
Sunday, August 26, 2007

Tagged, I'm it

I got tagged by Monk_Monkey, totally non-running but hey what the hell! All answers are alphabetical.

Jobs I’ve held
Business Analyst - trying to break into it (hint ;-) )
Director of Business Development
Landscape gardener
Operations Director
Professional Show Jumper

Movies I can watch over and over
American Pie
Black Hawk Down
Once upon a time in America
Step into Liquid
The Matrix Trilogy

Guilty pleasures
Galaxy chocolate
Gadgets and Gizmos’ Blackberry, Nike+, Garmin 305 etc

Places I’ve lived
Beckenham. Kent UK
New Malden, Surrey UK
Orpington, Kent UK
Putney, London UK
Nispen, Nr Roosendaal, The Netherlands
Brentwood, Pacific Palisades and West Hills, Los Angeles CA USA
New York, NY USA

Shows I enjoy
According to Jim!
Any reality show on Bravo: Top Chef, Top Designer, Project Runway, Shear Genius etc
Anything funny that lasts 30 minutes (or 20 with a TiVo!)
How I met your Mother
So you think you can Dance; I feel so inflexible!
Still standing – but I’ve seen them all now!
The Office (the jury’s out on which is best the UK or US version)

Web sites I visit daily
Any on my RSS list that are updated
BBC News
Buckeye Outdoors
eBay – if I am bidding etc
Nike +

Places I’ve been on vacation
All over the UK, Scotland and Wales
In the US: Alabama, Arizona, DC, Florida, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Utah, Washington, I have had road trips from: Portland OR to Los Angeles CA, New York NY to Los Angeles CA and Raleigh/Durham NC to New York, NY
Borneo - climbed My Kinabalu
Canada - mostly Alberta; Calgary and the Rockies
France - for Summer and Winter (snowboarding)

Gambia - learned to windsurf here!
New Zealand - learned to snowboard here and bungy-jumped!

Malaysia - Tioman Island
Mexico - Yucatan and Baja regions

Peru - walked the Inca Trail

Tenerife - partied way too hard!
Turkey - partied even harder then Tenerife!

I've also been to China (Shanghai) and Japan (Osaka & Kyoto), but not for vacation

Never had one.

Loads of business awards, most sales etc. Some ‘Best…’ awards while in the Military and I was also the recipient of an Honorary Colonelship for the state of Alabama.

Passing the baton on; Doug you're it


  1. I think its against the rules to tag me if I'm not even listed in your favorite blogs (hint hint!). But I'll run with it later today!

  2. Umm, isn't your nickname SLB? That's what everyone I know calls you ;)


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