
Monday, February 11, 2008

Getting it done!

I had multiple titles running through my head for this post; 9 on the 9th un, deux, trois! All Fuax Down; homage to the fake rest day! The hills are alive; with the sound of screaming. But as you can see I settled for a nice plain one that is probably more descriptive of the weekend than anything else. This was week two of ten where I run back-to-back long runs, my training schedule has shifted from prescribed mileage to “3 hours” or better still “3-4 hours” or the much looked forward to 4-5 hours, I have run for this long before, in fact I have gone as far as nearly seven but not on consecutive days.

Anyway the plan was an early start Saturday and a late start Sunday, well we all know what happens to a plan, I’ll spare you the details but I ended up going out after 9pm Saturday night and got home around midnight, suffice to say it was an unadventurous 18 miles, what I call a highways and headtorch run, so Nancy there’s un and duex! Sunday I had a window in the afternoon to get out so not one to turn down the opportunity to hit the trails I headed out at 1:30pm, after our cold weather recently I had started to forget quite how warm it can get round here; 79f. I had read Doug’s race report earlier in the day and not one to disappoint I headed for the hills. The first four miles were fairly rolling and I was looking for a bit more a challenge. I had spied a trail a while back but had not been able to find the trailhead to start, this time I spent a little time exploring and managed to find this well covered single track path the wound its way up the side of the hill. A mile and half later and some 700’ elevation gain I topped out. By this time I was starting to feel the cumulative effect of the night before and the heat, I was also under the gun time wise so I turned around and headed back down knowing that I still had three miles to get back to the parking lot, taking the direct route. The last two miles were, I admit a slog, mostly at a JKM; Just Keep Moving pace, hence the title for the post.

I finished up back at the parking lot with 10.44 on my 305, so Nancy there’s your trios. That gave me a total of 28 miles for the weekend, some 5 miles short of my target of 33, with hindsight several things impacted this; time, well that’s always a precious commodity around here and timing; heading out on Sunday less than 13 hours since I had finished the night before was a bit of a stretch. Let’s see what happens next week.

Here's the Garmin data:


  1. I didn't say you had to do it THREE times. :D

    Do you have a particular 9 miler that you would like me to enter as your race? I need a split so I can add you to the report. I already published it, but no problem adding in another.

    Thanks so much!!! (over achiever) :D


  2. That's some very impressive altitude action there in such a short distance. Nicely done!

  3. As soon as I am healed, I want to run as ambitiously as you....brace yourself, I will challenge you someday....


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