With spring break upon us there was a shift in the my role as part time SAHD, part time Business Consultant, part time full time job hunter (anyone need a Project Manager/Business Analyst?), the end result; no running, in fact no anything! Tuesday through Friday was spent at the swimming pool, local train museum; (what 3 year old boy doesn’t like trains?), LA's Natural History Museum (ditto dinosaurs!) and the Zoo (and a big tiger and lima (Zaboomafoo) fan as well), a large proportion of spent with eldest on my shoulders and youngest in the stroller! Anyone who has been to the LA Zoo will know that it is built at the bottom of a hill with the exhibits placed on the slopes…deep joy! But it has to be said that quality time with the boys is great and I am privileged to have it.
Here's the Motion Based data:
And there are some bad photos here.
I'll be lacing them up this week so my bike mileage will decrease as such, next Sunday I have the modestly named Great Race of Agoura half marathon, that will signal the start of my taper for Leona Divide which is 20 days away!
I am starting to think about what's next and have a couple of ideas, this is one (to be done solo) and here's another (the "Full"), you know me, I am not one to do things by half!
Here's a teaser for the upcoming sock post!
Are you?
6 months of in-laws, irrespective of the time split, is laudable dude. You must have a truckload of brownie points with the wife now.
ReplyDeleteEven still, that's some pretty heavy time spent with the ILs. Yuppers, you need to be knighted or something LOL
ReplyDeleteYeah, don't sell yourself short. 6 hours with my side gets my husband big points. :D
ReplyDeleteFour hours in the saddle. Oh.my.god.
A quick glance at that elevation chart was enough to make my quads ache.. damn!
ReplyDeleteI agree with the above. Halos may still be issued for such an IL stay! Can't wait to see more about the socks!
ReplyDelete55.39 miles? What happened - ya couldn't finish up .6 miles to make it an even half-iron? ;) Or perhaps the hills got to ya. ;)
ReplyDeleteNice job slamming out a solid 55.39 miles. Looking at the Garmin data, there was definitly some fun there! I do like how MotionBased.com shows your average HR at "Zone 3.5". :)
I like reading about your time on your bike. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who is unsure of performance on a bike. I know what defines a "good" or a "fast" run, but how the heck do I know my performance on my bike? If you figure that out for yourself please share the wisdom!