
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Raindrops on roses!

These are a few of my favorite things…

My technology; Forerunner, MotionBased and Google Earth, where I came from, where I am, how fast I got there and where I am going…oh yes and what it all looks like from space!

My retail therapy; Chainlove, SteepandCheap, Woot, Zombie Runner, is it telling that I have a blog categories of "Gizmos & Gadgets" and even worse “Not More Stuff”?

My weather: cool crisp mornings, low cloud burning off, clean mountain breezes and desert vistas There’s a reason I live in Southern California. I am grateful every day.

My view: high peaks, deep valleys, rocky outcrops, dizzying switchbacks and the infamous “nearly there”.

My run: the first mile always sucks, so the second is always better, the penultimate mile means I’ve nearly finished; it’s time to dig deep and the last means it’s over…only till the next time.

My RBFs: inspiring, humorous, passionate, honest and supporting…’nuff said!

Quick update on Saturday, my official time was 3:55:13 104th of 292.

Week 3 Worth the Weight results coming soon…


  1. Great post!! LOVE it! I check Chainlove all the time too!

  2. looking at those views you get to run is one of my favorite things too - keep those pictures coming!

    btw: what kind of camera do you use?

  3. A favorite few things I can identify with :-) Excellent job on your 25K! I'm learning a bit about trail running these days. Sometimes, its not how fast you are!!

  4. ...and whiskers on kittens...

  5. The chainlove site is cool.
    Maybe a great place for me to buy some gear when I buy my bike.-Whenever that may be.

    One of my goals: To visit Southern California sometime in the future.

  6. Woot is awesome. Woot-offs are of course the best thing ever!

  7. Love your list!!!

    BTW...I am feeling thin these days... well kindof :)


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