
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Weekend round up...err out!

Not much to report from the weekend and certainly no running. I threw a surprise birthday party for my Wife on Saturday, I had been planning it for a month and had enrolled a couple of her good friends into the scheme and she was totally unsuspecting! So I spent all of Saturday morning running around like a headless chicken and all Saturday afternoon burning food on the BBQ! I was to be found crashed on the sofa by 9:30pm! After a night spent wrestling with a teething toddler Sunday Morning came and went with me doing nothing but taking a nap, no TRC, which was probably a good thing! Later in the day we headed out to Ventura for a pootle around the Marina, a harbor tour and some ice cream, it's compulsory...honest! an early dinner, and that was the weekend that was, bang, poof, gone!

Nearly everyone has posted in their updated weight and here are the losers and gainers for the week, (DNR; Did Not Report) I was hoping for a little more of a substantial effort but with steak, potato salad, beer and Coldstone Creamery ice cream cakes at every turn and no weekend running it just wasn’t happening for me! The trash talk seems to have died down so hopefully with some results people can start pointing and laughing…in the nicest possible way of course. It's close at the top with only 0.37% separating the top 3 and 1.18% across the top 5, but with four weeks left to play it's still anyone's game.

My race calendar already has holes in it; I spent Monday trying to find a hotel on Catalina Island for the Eco Marathon in November and came up cold, still now I can look further afield; like anywhere on the West Coast…suggestions anyone! I still have the PCTR 50k so I am not totally without an event for November. I was also looking at some hiking books and stuff over the weekend and I have decided to have a stab at running the Backbone Trail in February, it will be good practice for C2M which is March and it’s a pretty cool thing to have done, I will be by no means the first nor the last, but I don’t think there’s too many people who have done in it under 24hours. The Trail is around 70 miles and connects from Pt Mugu through to Pacific Palisades, there will be a few logistical things to sort out; drop bags and the like but I think it’s very doable.

Finally a shout out to the TRC runners who completed Mt Disappointment last weekend and especially Jes who won her Age Group for the 50k.


  1. Great job homies!!

    Awwwhhhhh yeah Java EAT THAT! All those text messages begging me to eat junk food didn't help you this week, now did it! :P

    Oy, I'm not looking forward to this weekend's weigh in :-X

  2. Allright i run over here to see how terrible i am doing on this challenge and see Coldstone?? Why I outta send you to the moon! :-)

  3. Good job to all of those who are losing some lbs! Woo-hoo!

  4. Congratulations everyone!!!! Also, you can all pretend to move yourselves up a place because as I mentioned to SLB in my weigh-in e-mail, I think my initial weight may have been artificially high. There is NO way I lost that much weight in a week, even doing a marathon, so maybe it was water weight?

    My strategy is try to eat mainly fruits and veggies, with a few grains, and just enough protein to hit the 100% RDA for the day. When I look back at my old food logs, I can't believe how much protein I used to eat - 200 or 300%!!!! I used to not consider it a meal if it didn't have meat, but now I'm trying to change that.

    What are all your strategies?

  5. Ah shnap!! Marcelina beat me. Gotta put my game face on this week! :>O

  6. Whooot, good job everyone! (kicking your butt Marcy, LMAO)...

    Sounds as though you had a very busy weekend, between, planning, burning food, chasing after teething toddler's, WOW....don't be too dissapointed. That is a work out on its own!

  7. Regarding hotel rooms at Catalina Island (Avalon), call the Visitor Center at 310-510-1520.

  8. Good Husband, Good. You get a cookie!

  9. Guarda bene. Ora vi uscire ed eseguire!

    ...or something like that ;)

  10. Way to go everyone! I am smack dab somewhere in the middle of the pack. Can't complain. Hope next week goes as well.

  11. Ah, we'll see how this week goes after 4 days in Williamsburg. eating out EVERY MEAL.

  12. I guess all those cookies don't make for a good carb-load, why don't people tell me these things. My weigh in is +2 lbs. Oh, and for Catalina, if you want to make it real Eco friendly. You have plenty of time to stop by my friends at Pacific Sailing (used to work there) in Long Beach and learn to sail (ask for Ken Brown). Then rent one of their boats for the weekend. Run a marathlon and get rocked to sleep by the ocean.

  13. Dang. There I am, Number 12, like I am in every race. Right at the 50% mark.

    It was a loss, but slow this week, with cheese and crackers after school and a FREAKING crazy school (continuation).

    Good luck everyone!


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