
Thursday, September 18, 2008

I get by with a little help from my friends...

I pondered hard(ish) about this week’s TIART from Runner Lounge, while I read many running blogs, I have over 80 in my Newsgator reader; ranging from novices to semi-pros, 5kms to 100 miles (or more!), I wanted to share a few of those that you may not have read, and so in no particular order here they are:

DCRainmaker: triathlete, chef and gadget whiz are but a few of his talents, he recently completed IronMan Canada (his first) and has his sights firmly set on his upcoming marathon. Oh yes and ladies, he's single!

RunningShorts: she fills her full-time by being a part-time student, intern, triathlete and Tri team manager; she lives in a time zone where there are 28 hours in a day! Currently on the road to recovery following a horrendous bike crash.

GottaRun: mother, wife, and ultrarunner; went from zero to 50k in 18 months, threw down a Half IronMan for fun, shes tried to break the 50 mile mark twice before and is now fast approaching her third 50 miler, which I know she’ll crush! Third times a charm!

Zanne Runs & Rides: another hardcore mother, (literally with 2??? kids) a former marathoner she was lured to cycling and has just finished her first road race season and will be racing cyclocross this winter!

Run 50 miles: actually a misnomer it should be Run 100 miles as that’s what he did last weekend, his first and I am sure not his last. He's a proponent of Crossfit and recently became an instructor.

LARunner: my first fellow blogger meet up and the catalyst for me joining the TRC, recently ran the San Fran Marathon and will be running the California International Marathon; he has a BQ in his sights.

As mentioned these are just a few, (if I can get the Blogger tool to work I’ll add them all) of the folks I follow, check them out and tell them I sent you!


  1. thanks for the links! i am running CIM too and its always fun to find other bloggers running the same races.

  2. Thanks homie! Gonna have to check em out! ;-)

  3. Uhhhhh homie? Did you put in those links right? I get sent to Bloglines with that first linky.

  4. What is the reader function? I need to get up with the technology. I just stalk but constant refreshing, but one site to stalk would be great!! LOL.

  5. Thanks for the shout Stuart!

    ..but to clarify, a BQ is still a ways away. A looong way away.

    Maybe when I'm 50.

    See ya soon man!

  6. Thanks for the links -- I'll go check 'em out!

  7. Thanks, it is always great to catch up with other runners and cyclists...I'm headed over to check out the links now...

  8. Now how nice are you!!! I would say I have learned far more from you. Your product reviews ROCK!!!

    BTW - what about the new socks the Run Down has on their site? have you tried these?

  9. Holler!!! Thanks for the shout out!!! Hope things are good in sunny cal!

  10. hey slb! thanks for the shout out! i am back on the grid (after 7 days) and finally catching up on y'all! - and it's THREE kids!

  11. Woohoo! I made the cut! And yikes I'm such a slacker this week on reading blogs - four days later. Ouch. :(


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