
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Worth the Weight; the home straight!

I have results from only two thirds so as a gentle nudge, please send them in, I'll update this time tomorrow, it looks like there may be a shift around in the top 5! I need to have everyone's final weigh in number from this coming Sunday, September 7th, by 5pm Pacific Time Tuesday the 9th, that's the cutoff, if you're late you can go cry in your momma's lap 'cos I ain't listening! The winners will be announced shortly afterwards.

I have also sorted through the swag and this is how it will play out, consider this your incentive for a sprint finish:

1st: Nike Tailwind SDM (thanks Nick), Headsweat's Supervisor and Race Hat, a bottle each of Recover-Ease and EnerG-Ease and a pair of Dirty Girl Gaiters

2nd: Cateye Astrale 8 bike computer, Headsweat Race Hat, a bottle each of Recover-Ease and EnerG-Ease and a pair of Dirty Girl Gaiters

3rd: Headsweat Race Hat, a bottle of Recover-Ease and a pair of Dirty Girl Gaiters

4th: Headsweat Race Hat, a bottle of EnerG-Ease and a pair of Dirty Girl Gaiters

5th: Headsweat's Race Hat and Visor a pair of Dirty Girl Gaiters

6th: Dirty Girl Gaiters and Headsweat's Supervisor

7th & 8th Headsweat's Supervisor

Conditions for acceptance is that you need to write a short review and post of photo of you wearing the aforementioned prize(s).

There are some Hammer and Gu bit's that I'll throw in as I am packing and there is also the secret prize for the smakiest smack mouth!

The finish (measuring) tape is in sight...dig deep and go for it!


  1. These are all great prizes and you rock for putting this together. (does kissing up to the contest director count for anything?)

    I am focused... again...

    My only hope for 1st place is that everyone STUFFED their faces over the holiday weekend. :-)

  2. Dang! I can't believe it's ending so soon. I know Java has surpassed me. GAH! Hopefully her GI tract will hold onto everything she eats and then unload itself the day after the contest ends :P

  3. Marcy's momma said she thinks I should win.

  4. Ooooh I can't wait for tonight's results! I will check as soon as I get back from my two hours at the gym on the elliptical watching the America's Next Top Model premiere. Look out, everyone - I'm going all-out to win!

  5. Darn M&M's & deployments. I'm sure they lost me a top 5 spot.

  6. Wow, sounds like an awesome race!

    Thanks so much for keeping it so organised and for getting such awesome prizes....too cool...

    No trash talk here, just a huge THANK YOU for helping us shed the pounds....


Thanks for reading this post and leaving a comment, if you are entering a contest, please ensure you put some sort of unique name down so I can get back to you. E-mail addresses are ONLY displayed to me, and never shared, sold, pilfered, or anything else unhappy.