
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Setting the bar..

Maybe a tad too high for day one! First set of intervals tonight. Two mile warm up, 3 x 1 mile repeats with quarter mile rest in between, 2 mile cool down (actually a mile and a quarter as it turned out). Also ran with my new racing flats Asics Gel DS Trainer XIII; first impressions, snug; I needed a full size up, light; 9.6oz (compared to 12.9oz Kayanos I normally wear) and while surprising comfortable to run in, not so for walking?

There is no local track available to me. I choose the beach path which has recently been resurfaced with new tarmac; which is softer than concrete, wide and less populated and therefore I could get up a fair head of steam without worrying about mowing down Aunt Edna who had gone for an afternoon stroll. I ran out a mile and back to warm up and get a feel for the shoes and then was off for the intervals. The downside was no shade and it was in the mid eighties.

I have to confess to being pleased, as mentioned before it has been a long time since I ran speedwork so I was expecting my mile splits to be slower than the final results. Above all I am pleased that I managed to get a limbo set of splits; as you can see (click on the image and it gets bigger) increasingly quicker miles. Tomorrow I am switching with Friday so I have a Tempo run and then a quick 12 miles ride on Friday as I want to save my legs a bit, the race is a half marathon and I am scheduled according to the plan to run 22 so I am going to run 6 milesbefore, then race and then another 3 miles afterwards which should net me out at 22.1 miles for the day.


  1. good job on the intervals/speed work, and kudos for looking out for all the Aunt Edna's out there. :D Good luck in this weekend's race too!

  2. VERY NICE!!! You should be pleased. BTW - I would take your version of a track over the one we have here.

    Nice way to work all the miles together this weekend. Run, race, and run some more.

  3. Good Job with your intervals, and Good Luck with the race on Saturday!!

  4. I checked, re-checked and checked yet again...your mile splits are sick!

  5. Great job, all this hard work is paying off!

  6. Damn speed demon! Wanna share some of your fire?

  7. Very nice sets. Although you completely slacked on the first set - only burning 130 calories compared to the 131 on the other sets. You need to get on that. ;)


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