
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A taste of things to come…

I skipped my bike ride yesterday, which only meant deferring it to this morning and so I was rudely awoken at 4:15am for 14 miles on the trainer. Fifty five minutes later I was done, stretching, showering, blog reading and breakfasting followed and I was on the road by 6:15am and at my desk by a little after 7:00am. At the other end of the day I am out the door at 3:10pm, parked changed and running by 4:30pm.

My legs felt pretty good and the miles were clicking by, tonight had 9 miles scheduled. I am nearing the end of the second month of base building in my plan which is followed by 6 weeks which focus on speed work; it’s been a long time since I ran any intervals or repeats but tonight just seemed right to remind myself of what’s in store and so mile 4 I revved it up some.

As you can see I wasn’t so bad for a mile but it’s a long way off my mile best of 6:16 or even my 5k pace of 6:43 but that’s ok it just gives me more room for improvement and I’ve got six weeks to work at it and by work at it I obviously mean hate each session!

PS thank you everyone for the kind words on the header.


  1. the new banner looks great! i guess you've had it up for a few days, i think i read you last post in the reader, so i didn't see it till today! your dedication is great, i think i would have hit my snooze once maybe at 4:15, then turned it off completely the next time in rang. great job on the workouts!

  2. SLB, you are tough!
    I could never imagine getting up that early.

    I do like the header as well.

  3. Goodness, do you keep your cape tucked under your clothes somewhere? You'd have to be some kind of superhero to be that dedicated!

  4. You are right on track!!

    That is an insane wake up time. Great job!

  5. Those speed sessions do suck. But at least they are rewarding in the long run...or short know what I mean.

  6. Holy cow. 4:15am? When do you go to bed?? I wish I was that motivated!

  7. The header looks great.
    That wake up time does not.
    THAT is hard core!

  8. Speed work? Hmm what is that, I long the long slow miles (LOL).

  9. I'm not sure if I want a "taste" of that. I'm guessing it would taste kinda salty.


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