
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

'tis the Season!

Well it’s that time of year and in an attempt to at least appear to be organized, trust me I will fail miserably and given that all of my family is overseas this is always an expensive mistake! and look at some Christmas shopping! Now unfortunately, other than my wife; who is erring over to the darkside of triathlons there are no more runners in my immediate family so the Christmas shopping can fall between socks and sweaters, I like to think of it as an incentive for them to take up a sport!

Unfortunately the economic times we find ourselves mandate that we try to get the biggest bang for a buck (pound/euro/yen delete where applicable) so here are a couple of suggestions that might want to add your list or get for the runner in your family or hell you could just go out and get it today and blow off waiting the 43 shopping days left!

Costco is now stocking Garmin Forerunner 305s for $199, now I thought this was a good price until I checked Amazon where you can get one for $190 (free shipping) and you can bundle in a Cadence Monitor and Bike/Wrist QR strap for an extra $50.

Hammer Nutrition is having an end of year blowout on everything. Up to 50% off. I snagged a new cycling jersey, bib shorts and two pair of socks all in for $60. The clothing is made by Voler here in SoCal and it’s top quality stuff, they also carry Tri suits and have a ladies specific range. I also grabbed a Patagonia Capilene shirt ($18) and Headsweat Visor ($10) and a couple of extra water bottles ($2.50 each), you can never have enough water bottles, right!

On the nutrition front I threw in my basket a replen of Perpetuem, and Raspberry Gel; 26 serving jug. Perpetuem is my drink of choice for the long run (2hours plus) it has a mild taste and is easy on stomach, here’s the blurb from the Hammer website:

...Perpetuem - This product, introduced in early 2003, takes the concept of long-distance fueling to the max. Though many athletes use Perpetuem for shorter distance events (which is perfectly acceptable), we designed it primarily for extreme endurance events lasting several hours to many days. Perpetuem contains 75% carbohydrates (from long-chain maltodextrins - no added simple sugars), 13% fatty acids from a specially made long-chain lyso-lecithin, and nearly 10% soy protein. A small portion of fat seems to cue your body to more liberally release its fatty acids stores, which account for up to two-thirds of one's energy requirements in long bouts of exercise. A little fat in the fuel also slightly slows the rate of digestion and thus promotes caloric satisfaction, another attractive plus during primarily aerobic ultra distance events...

Suffice to say, it works!

The gels are water soluble (read; wash out of clothes easily) Raspberry and Vanilla are my favorite and you can mix them together to get RaspNilla or VanBerry?!? Espresso has a high caffeine punch for when you're at mile 28 so you could have a RaspPresso or EspreNilla or go wild and have a RaspVanSo! You’ll need a bottle to mix them in but, hey, they’re on sale too!

There’s a bunch of other Hammer products I take; Endorolytes, Premium Insurance Caps, Mito Caps, Race Day Boost, Race Caps Supreme which I have been using for the past year and will be reviewed at the end of the year.

So charge up you Credit Card and go wild!


  1. Costco is having a sale on the 305 11/14 - 12/13. It will be $159 I believe there is a coupon to get that price. Best price since REI had them for $159 last May.

  2. OMG! I'm SOOOO heading over the to these links. Lurve me some dealys. I swear it's the only reason why I even like shopping HA! Not to actually have the stuff but you know, to see how much money I can save by spending it :P

  3. And Hammer Nutrition has coffee too?!? What in tha?!?

  4. A basket full of the Hammer nutrition products seems like just the thing to bring to some of the Yankee swaps I always seem to attend during the xmas season-- I am pretty much guaranteed to come home with it!

  5. Good to know that garmins are dropping in price. Is the 405 on sale anywhere?

  6. Thanks Quad I totally forgot about the Hammer sale..I am outta here

  7. Thanks for these links, however if I follow them it may be merry christmas to me. I suppose I could order the Hubs a pair of socks or something!

  8. Oh man! I think I might have to ask for a Garmin for Xmas! Yippie!

  9. In my opinion, Perpetuem is the best thing they make. I've had more luck with that than anything else.
    Can't wait for the review though.

    I'll have to check out the Tri kit's.

  10. Thanks for the links. I may need to replace my Garmin soon so good to know!

  11. Thanks for the heads up!! I am so broke so this is a big help.


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