
Friday, January 2, 2009

The back of my napkin...

Added to which I have taken the plunge and have swimming lessons booked so maybe, just maybe, there's a tri in there somewhere?


  1. Congrats on booking the swimming lessons! You would totally rock a tri with your running and cycling! Can't wait to see how your year unfolds :)

  2. what is this "maybe" stuff re: triathlon!?!?!! your first one is awesome-a guaranteed PR and you just feel fabulous you finished it all!!!! yeah!

  3. Sounds like a tri is in the future!!!

  4. Do you wipe your mouth with lined notebook paper, dude? Kidding! Looks like a kickass schedule!

  5. Kickbutt plan. Tri's are great and you'd do well in one.

  6. That is quite the jam packed season!!! I wish you lots of fun, injury free racing. Best of luck!

  7. A napkin with lines for writing?! LOL. Thats my kind of napkin. It looks like you are going to have a kickass year! All the best in 09.

  8. Congrats on the swimming lessons. I look so forward to hearing of your water adventures.

  9. A Brentwood 5K? Do you have a link?

    Looks like a great schedule!

  10. Is that all ;) Yikes SLB, that is an ambitious plan on your napkin! Where will you find time for a tri? Good luck with the races and the training. Wishing you another injury free year!

  11. GO TRI!!! DO IT DO IT!! You know you want too ;-)

  12. aw sheesh ... a triathlon too? well, all i can say is, I can't wait to keep reading about all your adventures in 2009!

  13. I bet it was fun writing all that down.

    I'm really thinking that the DRTE 100 may be one for me to look at.
    AC 100 will not let me in since I have not ran at least a 50 miler yet.

  14. Tri? Very cool! Looks like a long and fun list of races. I'm sure you will do well at all of them!

    Happy New Year!!

  15. I've just stumbled across your blog and really enjoyed scanning your posts. Good luck in 2009, and I imagine you would ROCK a tri! 'Tis the Garmin posts that brought me here (mine is in the mail!), so thanks for that information, and I will stick around and look forward to following your progress in 2009.

  16. great list of races ... and possibly a tri?! you're an animal!

    anyhow, i'm sure i'll see you at one or more of them, altho more likely the shorter ones, i.e., you won't see me at the Mt. Disappointment 50 miler! and, count me in for crewing/pacing you for your 100 miler!

    it's going to be a great year :)

  17. Do it all! Challenges make life worth living. Can't wait to hear about the possible tri.

  18. You can buy this seperate paperlike product that's much softer to use as a cleaning apparatus during eating. You don't have to use notebook paper as well.


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