
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Don't touch that dial!

For those of you who listen to podcasts and have listened to Phedippidations you may have heard mention or even tuned into the Runners Round Table podcast. RRT is unique in as much as you can listen to it either live as it is recorded or download later to listen to at your leisure, there is also a live chat room that feeds into the recording. The round table element comes in a there are usually between five and tem people “at the table” discussing a specific topic; recent ones include; Disney Marathon and RunCastTV.

For people on Mountain and Pacific Time and all points west it becomes a bit tricky to participate due to the fact that it usually happens while everyone is at work (you know, that thing that allows you to buy new shoes, pay race fees and put your children through school!), so next week there is going to be a spin off from the West Coast and yours truly (that’s me!) is one of the hosts, my other co-horts from the world of blogging, podcasting and the new obsession Twitter(ing) will include: The Ultradad, KelownaGurl, erin337 and solorunner.

The show airs live at 8pm PST and will available for download some time thereafter.

To get to the show go to Talkshoe and look for the Runners Round Table, you don’t have to register to get into the chatroom but if you don’t you’ll just be a “guest” and we won't know who you are, you can ask questions and tell us what a fantastic (or not) job we’re doing!

Back issues if the Runner Round Table can be downloaded through iTunes from this link.

Talking of iTunes The Quadrathon Podcast has been approved by Apple and now has its own feed here which will allow you to put me on your iPod, if you’re reading this in a browser you can click on the player in the side bar and listen right now, Episode 2 is available and Episode 3 is coming soon. Show notes can be found here, feedback and comments etc are very welcome.

Hope to see you at the round table next week!


  1. Now how cool is all of this. I am marking my calendar right now!!

  2. Cool! I'm glad I'll be able to find you on iTunes.

  3. You are so technologically advanced! :) Can't wait to hang at the pctr!

  4. You are so technologically advanced! :) Can't wait to hang at the pctr!

  5. :) You are so technologically advanced. can't wait to hang out at the pctr!

  6. I'll be in the chat rooom - maybe slightly late because of my dumb job. But I'll try to sneak out early..

  7. Gotta get to my home computer!

    How is the job hunt going?

  8. Okay...I'm loving your podcast!

    Who knew you were British? Sheduled!

    I love it!

    I needed the "How to Run in the rain" before I went out...


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