
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Reading not writing!

Just a short post to say that I am around and following you, my lack of comments may not indicate that, but all but my attentions are elsewhere right now. Monday I found out that my contract which was due to be renewed in June and up until Christmas was going to be renewed is actually going to end two months early! I guess this is what happens when you employer posts a $1 billion loss for the year!

So back to drawing board, as you all know the economy sucks and we are having to think outside of the box, so far outside that an interstate move may be required, right now we’re not really ruling too many things out; much as we love SoCal we have no major ties to here. So if you know of anyone looking for a Project Manager/Financial Analyst or something that fits in between let me know, who knows if they’re local to you we could be going out for a run together soon!


  1. Atlanta is still a happening place in IT.

  2. oh no! ugh, that sucks Stuart...

    Somebody find this man a job!

  3. wow, sorry to hear that Stuart. All the best and good luck!

  4. hang in there!! it sucks right now but i am sure there is something right out there for you!

  5. Nuts! I'm sorry to hear that. Let's hope that when one doors closes, another one really does open!

  6. Now that is a GREAT attitude!! We are not open to the "move" part yet but you never know if the right job for Scott came along.

    I would LOVE for you guys to move to Greenville, SC. We have great trails and plenty of mountains.

    Will get my eyes and ears open for you!!!

  7. I'm sorry. That's stressful. I'll keep my eyes open. There is some mighty good trail running in Virginia but not so sure on the jobs front.

  8. I am sure that all of the patience you have gained from long runs will really pay off now. Hang in there! At least you have a little time to plan.

  9. sorry to hear about that Stuart :(

    good luck with the job search.

  10. still looking for your'll get there.....

  11. Oh wow.

    I'm so sorry. Hang in there. You will rock a new job soon!!!

  12. Times are hard for everybody. I hope you find something else soon.

  13. hi. i'm so so sorry to hear that. i'm thinking of you. i have no contacts in that field but i'm a few job list-serves from schools i've attended. i'll be on the lookout.

  14. Stuart...send me your email address and I will post a link to the company I work for...SoCal HQ, software firm, private held 4000 employees. Still hiring but we will slow on this for the year.
    If the firm and list of opportunities is in your area of interest I can provide further info as needed...Best of Luck...


  15. Keep that positive attitude and good things will happen!!!

  16. Sorry to hear of the job troubles. I have no idea if SoFlo has something in your field.

  17. Well, hang in there - you're a smart duck and I'm sure it'll all work out.

  18. It's tough right now...Like other's have said, Hang in there...

    The good news is that SoCal is likely to rebound from this stinkin' economy first..right?

    That's what I'll keep telling myself anyway.

  19. So sorry to hear about you in the same situation! Feel free to Gchat me (AbsolutRomantic) and I can tell you what I've found so far. Also, I would love if you could put me in touch with your friend who does IR.

    Good luck!

  20. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you find something soon.

  21. Sorry about your job loss. Good luck with your job search!


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