
Sunday, June 7, 2009

A conversation with a non-runner...

So I took our kids to a birthday party this morning, (seriously who has a kid’s birthday at 9:30am on a Sunday; but I digress). Chatting to one of the parents I had a conversation that went something along the lines of…

Parent; so do you watch sports?

Me; no, not really the Tour de France if I can but that’s about it I guess

Parent; oh so you don’t watch soccer…but your British?

; no, sorry, I run a bit and ride a road bike

Parent; oh do you race?

Me; yes, not to win though, just to finish

Parent; do you run 10ks then?

Me; no, I like longer races

Parent; oh?

Me; well I ran a couple of 50kms and a 50 miler earlier this year

Parent; oh…

Me; and I have just started training for a 100 mile race

Parent; oh…so have you run any marathons?

Me; yes I’ve run a couple, I ran LA last year

Parent; wow, running a marathon, now that’s a long way

Me; um yeah!


  1. Yeah...there's really no where to go from there, is there? Do you think he had any idea that a 50 km run or a 50 miler is farther than a marathon? Ah well...

  2. Hahaha...

    The marathon is the be all and end all I guess to the layman. Hysterical.

  3. I love non-runners. More specifically, ignorant, sedentary people who’s primary hobby is watching TV and eating popcorn. They make me want to peal my skin off.

  4. LMAO... so funny. I was asked how long the marathon that i ran was.

    You're right, a sunday morning birthday party??

  5. Amazing! Some people just do not listen....amazing...

  6. HA .. thanks for the morning smile. great blog

  7. Excellent commentary. I also run Ultras and find I engage in conversations like this quite often, but it never fails to make me laugh :)

  8. Yeah, those marathons are SO much longer than those 50 and 100 milers!

  9. Some people do not understand us, do they? I don't even try to explain to people when I first meet them. It's not worth the time and effort. LOL If I know the relationship is going somewhere, I may take the time. I seriously don't think most people can grasp it.

  10. Well next time you'll call it a 100 mile ultra marathon instead of a race.

  11. Tee Hee!

    I like the "I hope you win" encouragement from non-runners.

  12. Ha! At least he didn't ask you how long the LA marathon was!

  13. LOL...I bet you thought that you had entered the Twilight zone.

  14. Wait - so you mean you have to run at least a marathon in a 50 miler? Well, crap.

  15. At least you didn't get the "Running is bad for your knees" response. I got this from a very overweight co-worker who was still limping around 2 years after having knee surgery. OK, I better quit running then so I can be just like you!

  16. This just cracks me up!

  17. haha This is funny for me. Thank you for brighting someone's day! : )

  18. Yeah, well, at least you did run a marathon, so some deserved many ultrarunners haven't? :)

  19. hahhahah hilarious! I have had very similar conversations! People are so dumb sometimes...


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