
Friday, August 21, 2009

Racevine; Zagat for Raceday!

I first came across Racevine via Twitter, the premise is simple, you run a race you love (or hate) you write a review, you want to run a race you read the reviews, think of it as Zagat or Expedia or even Amazon for you Sunday morning adventures. Do you want to know where the secret potta-john is, which race has the best SWAG (Stuff We Always Get) or which race never-ever to attend; this could be the place to look; such is the beauty of actual user commentary. In its early stages with more races to be reviewed than are reviewed this will be a great addition to your favorites toolbar especially if you’re planning on going on a destination race and could be investing a lot of money into your trip and race entry.

Registration is easy as is the actual reviewing, you can write as much as you like and then there are 10 or so consistent factors that you rate i.e. refreshments, SWAG, spectator support etc and voila that’s it. You can also search by zip, city and/or distance. Currently focused on 5k through to Marathon and on Triathalons (and only within the US) I have been told that ultra events will and are being added.

Check it out at RaceVine and if you register, and review a race you’ll be entered into their current competition where you could win race day entries, some new running clothes, race fuel and a whole bunch of other stuff.


  1. That is really cool. I like!

  2. sweet, wonder if they do Cdn races too, i'll have to go check it out! :) have a great weekend.

  3. Cool, thanks for the heads up!


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