
Sunday, September 6, 2009


So the last four words of my last post hit me like a ton of bricks; ‘three weeks to go’, three weeks till I stand upon the start line of my first 100 mile race. Of course now the self doubt starts to creep in, have I done enough? Can you ever do enough? I have no self delusions about my running capabilities, at best I am a mid packer, by body definition I am naturally built for speed, I am fast twitch, I should be running 5ks 10ks and half marathons not 50ks, 50 mile and 100 mile races! This is not posturing this was proven to me during a Vo2max test I did two years ago. Never one to conform running fast seemed like too much work so running further was the next choice, hmm a hard 40 minute 10k (unofficially I have run a 10k in 39 minutes) and I pulled a 1:37 half marathon without trying vs. 6, 12 or 24 hours on the trail…well you pays your money you takes your choice! But I digress.

I need to get my game face on or more pertinently my game legs on, I need to taper effectively and efficiently, this means not just stopping which is kinda what’s happened over the last two weeks, dodgy-ish knee, new job, big commute all are excuses and so from today I am starting an 18 day taper plan that will get me to start line as ready as I can be, I’ll detail it in the next post. The beauty of a blog is that it is like photocopying your diary and posting it on the local bus stop, you put things out there and then you have to deliver on them. And so with that in mind now is the time to be accountable to myself, my goals, my family and to you, so if you see me diverting call me out will you!


  1. Yup, no matter how often you've raced, no matter how much you've trained, when you get close to race day the nerves kick in a little. I think it's a healthy thing though. Nerves are a good thing. Makes you focus. Keeps you in the moment, and that is always key. Good luck, Stuart.

  2. Best of luck to you! And for some inspiration and motivation, check out this video -- -- about one man's "aha moment" experienced during a 104 mile race and how it changed his perspective on life. I think you'll enjoy it.

    All the best,

  3. havea deal-i'll call you out if you call me out!! I think i start back full time again on tuesday which means 13-14 hour work days each day...what does that mean, crappy runs if I'll be your nagging blogging/FB/Twitter annoyance about your runs if you pester my arse too!

  4. This is something that you've wanted to do for so long, and you've prepared yourself. You are so ready for this. Don't's just taper-crazy doing the talk. Ignore it.

  5. Many things I have done because I have posted them on my blog! DOH! Don't want to look like a person that "doesn't follow through."
    Whatever it takes to get it done, right? ;)

  6. Don't worry - I'll keep ya in check. You can count on me. ;)
    (Congrats on the new job, btw.)

  7. You are looking good despite all the recent changes. Sensible taper, eat and sleep plenty, keep your head together. You know you are fit enough but 85%, maybe more, is in your head so get all your worrying this week and relax into the final two weeks.

    You won't need it but "the best of British" anyway. Have a great one.

  8. Um, yes, that is positive though. Your body is now ready to do it and wants to do it; waiting is what gives you the chills. You'll be fine and have tons of fun.

  9. You're gonna rock it Stuart!


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