
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pacers, we're off!

In an attempt to at least give my pacers a chance of figuring out where-I'll-be-when this coming weekend I have tried to work out a pace chart as well as some Aid Station checklists, I am still working on the latter but I thought I'd share the former with you. I even went to the trouble of working out elevations and plotting a graph on an attempt to really quantify what my pace would be. I sat there looking at the screen for nearly 30 minutes and concluded that it's basically impossible so I ended up planning out some basic sceanrios based on miles-per-hour. Too slow and I'll miss the cut-off, too fast...well that's shall we say, a high class problem!

Talking of pacers, you can follow them on Twitter; @jensir or at her blog; Tough Noodles (mile 75-101; 'cos 100 just isn't enough, @solorunner (mile 65-75) with @cloverc possibly helping for the 10 mile stretch of 55-65 but otherwise crewing with Robyn (MonkeyMonk) from Nike+, I can't express my thanks enough to these four very special people!

Cellphone coverage is limited so there it unlikely that there will be any real time coverage for those of you who want to follow my progress but you never know! I am flying up Friday morning to get there in plenty of time for Saturday's 5:00am start!

Finally I read this the other day by Emily Bronte and it seemed quite pertinent

What have those lonely mountains worth revealing?
More glory and more grief than I can tell
The earth thet wakes one human heart to feeling
Can center both the worlds of Heaven and Hell

See you on the flipside!


  1. Good Luck. Sending good vibes your way this weekend.

  2. Have a great race, Stuart! I'll be thinking about you!!

  3. Looks like you have four great people there. Very cool.

    Good luck this weekend!

  4. Have a great time and good luck!! Looking forward to hearing about it!

  5. GOOD LUCK!!!!! Kudos to the pacers for helping out. Savor the experience.

  6. Wishing you all the best and hoping your every step is filled with bliss!

  7. good luck this weekend!!!!! you will rock it! cant wait to read how it goes :)

  8. Beautiful poetry!!! Have a great time!!!

  9. Best of luck Stuart - sorry to be a bad/broken pacer!

    kick some arse out there!

  10. Have a great race! I wish I could be there.

  11. Hate to not be at the party!! Run, walk, crawl.... just don't stop.

    Have a safe event. Looking forward to the FULL report already!


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