
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Going off at the deep end!

So today I went swimming, told you I was going to! Of course I happened to have picked one of the coldest, windiest days we’ve had in months; outdoor pool! That worked in my favor as I actually had a lane all to myself and once I was in it was pretty much ok as long as I kept going. I got a bit over excited at one point and overbent my knee so now I am sat here with an Ace tube on it, it’s swollen a bit…another lesson learned the hard way!

I checked out some YouTube Videos last night, this one I thought was pretty good and helped me visualize what I need to be doing; remembering the ‘rotation’ helped today. I didn’t go mad, and swam about 800 meters, to be honest I lost count but I was at it for about 40 minutes, easing myself into it until getting all over cocky and bending my leg too far!

On the suggestion of JD and few other people I ordered this book and DVD from Amazon, thank goodness for used, much as I like kit $40.00 for a 30 minute DVD seemed a little steep so a used ‘new; unopened’ one for $12.00 was a bargain along with a ‘used; like new’ book for $5.00.

I am thinking about a swimcap…everyone seemed to have one, maybe for warmth? I think my wife has one from her tri kicking about somewhere, maybe I’ll snag that and see.

I have to say all in all I enjoyed it and so other than the knee thing so far so good, I am aiming to go again on Friday...yeah the next thing'll be webbed feet!


  1. It was so windy here today. I think I would have had trouble getting in the water in an indoor pool. LOL
    What PCTR event are you doing next? It'd be nice to meet you in person.

  2. Stuart, definitely wear a swim cap. i think you will be warmer :) then again, i wear mine year round.

    good luck with the swimming! i've actually come to enjoy it. i will have to check out that video, i keep hearing good things about it.

  3. I'm glad you enjoyed it.....I wish i could say the same thing. Crosstraining is the key to longevity in athletes. :)

  4. Swim cap keeps you warm AND keeps your hair from becoming over chlorinated :-)

  5. You are right Stuart - I have ordered new pedals (prodeal through REI). I can hardly wait. ;)

  6. Swimming will be a great break on the legs. A swim cap will make you a lot warmer - i got a few pirate ones for my boys.

  7. I tought swim caps were to reduce the drag created by your hair. I don't think it's meant to function as a hat. But, what do I know? I probably can't even swim a lap!

  8. I have a BRIGHT PINK swim cap that says Iron Girl on the side. That is what you need.

    Great job on the swim. I miss it.

  9. Hope you enjoy swimming. It might prevent you from going crazy. About your knee, don't kick! Use those foam pull buoys if you find your legs sinking too much.

  10. Good luck with the swimming, hopefully you find something good for you there. The swim cap definitely helps keep warm; if it's really cold, get a neoprene one.

  11. you'll be a triathlete before you know it! :) so jealous that you're still able to swim outdoors!


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