
Monday, February 1, 2010

20/20 Challenge Week 2

2020wk2 Another week another weigh in and a new leader. Bootchez takes the lead, congratulations, a monster week for her. I had a pretty good week as did Velma. It looks like it’s been a tough week for some with status quo being maintained and few folks have slipped back into negative territory! Still there’s another 9 weeks to go yet.

Bootchez nominate whose $20 you’re claiming and don’t let it burn a hole in your pocket!

I picked Racing Weight: How to Get Lean for Peak Performance during the week, well it arrived from Amazon on Friday, it makes for an interesting read for sure, I’ll keep you in the loop on it as I read through it. Personally I am starting to see some benefits of the weight loss, I had a killer 8 miler on Saturday and nailed my 10k split in 42 and change see the last post where I blow my trumpet all about that; well somebody has to, right!

P1010609 I also posted on Twitter about the making of some protein bars during the weekend, several people asked for the recipe. It’s an ongoing debate in our household about giving the kids healthy snacks and actually finding something where there second ingredient (and sometimes the third and fourth and fifth) are not sugar or a syrup of some kind can be tricky and you know they’re not going to always want fruit.

I found this recipe in a freebie magazine and gave it a go, I am still tweaking it, the most recent tweaks are in parenthesis, it’s not bad.

  • 1 c. quinoa flour (wholegrain flour)
  • 2 oz. whey protein
  • 1 oz. apple pectin powder
  • ½ tsp baking powder
  • ½ c. sundried cranberries (raisins)
  • 3 dates (dried apricots)
  • 2 oz ground pistachios (or sunflowers) (tried with and without)
  • 2 tsp orange zest
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 4 oz brown rice syrup (tried agave syrup and honey)
  • 1 oz ground flax
  • 1 oz unsweetened applesauce
  • 1 tbsp of soy nut butter
  • 2 tbsp of egg whites


1. Preheat Oven to 350°

2. Combine dry ingredients, dried fruit and ground pistachios in a bowl.

3. In a separate bowl, combine wet ingredients and stir well. Pour onto dry ingredients.

4. Spray 9” cake pan with nonstick cooking spray.

5. Bake for 25–30 minutes.

6. Cool and cut.

I have been using a 1½” square as a mid morning and afternoon snack, it’s amazingly dense and really fills you up. Once you have nailed the ingredients (Whole Foods) give it a whirl, it’s pretty good stuff!


  1. Those bars look and sound pretty good! I need to focus more and work on my blubber... Instead of claiming a gift card you can just send me some bars :)

  2. Hey, that looks pretty tasty man! I'll have to give it a try!

  3. Congratulations Bootchez. A good week for you!

  4. Rather than me make these can you just ship me some? PLEASE..... pretty please!

  5. Those bars DO look great!! Congrats to all the contestants!!

  6. i'm going to give these bars a whirl. i want to be more mindful of my bites and snacks while i train and these look like they have great potential. thanks for sharing.

  7. I'll have to give that recipie a try. it'd be nice to eat something made in my own kitchen and you know all the stuff going into it!

  8. This looks and sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I'll try this for sure (but probably the original version since that sounds very different from what you can buy in the supermarket).

  9. Sorry I'm checking in so late . . . yay! I won something! I think I'll go with Big Bork, not 'cause you congratulated me in the comments (thanks!) but because I like your name.

    Duh, what do I do now?


Thanks for reading this post and leaving a comment, if you are entering a contest, please ensure you put some sort of unique name down so I can get back to you. E-mail addresses are ONLY displayed to me, and never shared, sold, pilfered, or anything else unhappy.