
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

20/25 Challenge Week 7

image Sorry folks a bit late in posting the results this week, work, life. training and losing the friggin’ spreadsheet all conspired against me! Anyway as usual it’s all change, this week Big Bork takes the lead, this may be the kick in the pants he needs to get the ball re-rolling, yeah Brian I listened to your latest podcast episode, hey we’re all busy! But nice job for staying away from the artery blocking fast food! There were a few non reporters, you know who you are and so do we as you have a grey mark! Fortunately for me marathon training is kicking in and I am on the loss side again!

So with only a month left to go there’s still $125 left to claim, talking of which you winners need to contact me to claim your prizes, check out this spreadsheet and tell me whose you want!

Oh and on the prizes front stay tuned I have a couple of good give-aways coming up; including some pairs of Vital Sox, read the reviews here and an entry into the Catalina Marathon Eco Challenge in November.

Finally I came across this and thought you would like it...

1 comment:

  1. LOL, nice video. All that is also why I run - mostly!


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