
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Trail lust!

So this morning I ran my short tempo run, nothing too long; 6 miles, 4 at a target pace of 7:04 although I was short; by short I mean slow: 7:09 was my best but the others were around 7:20, starting at 5:00am after not enough sleep will do that for you! I spent the entire run thinking about running trails and how I am looking forward to feeling the dirt between my toes…metaphorically that is, literally can be a bit blister inducing! I’ve got my eye on a race early April which may quench that need, it will deviate me from my schedule but it might just get me through the next 10 weeks till June 6th and the RNR Marathon…we’ll see!

In the meantime I’ve scrapped some of my other races, well the truth is it’s the Tri’s that are out the window, I’ve not been in a pool in several months and why I do want to do one now is not the time!

Finally if you’re after some free swag, check out Racevine, they have a series of prize drawings in the coming weeks for just posting mini race reviews, here’s one of mine….easy peasy!


  1. Awesome Stuart - see ya there. Yeah, by all means...take a break from the hard paved roads. Won't kill ya.

  2. 5 am is EARLY! I did yoga the other morning at 5:30am and it took me more than 15 minutes just to get my center of balance.

    Your times are ROLLING!

  3. You should definitely run Sycamore Canyon. I don't think I'll make it this year, but I'll look forward to the race report! What distance are you thinking?

  4. Only road running is boooooring!!!!! Poor you. Do that marathon and it'll be off your hook;-)

  5. See this is why I don't like running that early in the morning. I like my sleep and I'm just much slower in the morning.

  6. Yay early morning runs! Great job!

    Can't wait to hear about all those races coming up!


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