
Monday, May 3, 2010

Does this make my ears look big?

P1020297 So a while ago I posted a competition that RaceVine was holding, post some race reviews and you get entered into a draw and you could win some pretty cool swag including race entries, nutrition products, clothing and the like. Never one to say no to swag, I wrote up three reviews and submitted them, a few weeks later I got an email telling me I had won….woot! I was to be the proud owner of a BondiBand! WTF are Bondibands I thought? Turns out that they are pretty cool head/sweat bands, the problem is is that my noggin is not really suited to these, you need a pretty regular sized head and lots of hair, me, well on a good day I look a bit like a wing nut! Check out Billy, now he can rock a BondiBand!

Anyways. I have eight to give away, so here’s the deal first eight to leave a “I want” comment gets one, first come first served oh and you’ll need to send me a stamped addressed envelope too…that seems only fair!

Ready steady go!


  1. I WANT to say thank you for giving me something to smile about while I'm awake at this ridiculous hour (on an off night).

    I would LOVE one of these things!

  2. No, no worries. Your ears were already huge :-)

  3. OOOOH! I want! :) By the way, love the new blog banner! :)

  4. I want a large cup of coffee with an insane amount of sugar - then I will have the mental clarity to send you a self-addressed stamped envelope! Thank you for sharing; although, I think the band looks good on you.

  5. I WANT - I will figure out how to get it shipped up here to the Great White North...

  6. I WANT! I want to rock the headband!

  7. Awesome giveaway Stuart!! Your FOCUS head is awesome!!

  8. Yeah, I want one. (Almost wrote "won"--same thing right?) ;-D


  9. I want one, just to see what my kids will say (I already know what my wife will say). :)

  10. I want, if it is not too late

  11. Thanks Stuart! I like mine! ;-)
    Hills? ...What Hills!!
    I'm headed to the forest with it soon!

  12. How do you think these compare to headsweats? here's a link

  13. This totally made me smile! Happens all the time lately...


Thanks for reading this post and leaving a comment, if you are entering a contest, please ensure you put some sort of unique name down so I can get back to you. E-mail addresses are ONLY displayed to me, and never shared, sold, pilfered, or anything else unhappy.