
Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday Adminstrivia…

This is one those posts that covers everything and nothing all at the same time, so in shotgun bullet fashion here we go, a quick summary of the last week.

image* Finished week one of training, missed one day but trained six so not all bad

* I swam my longest swim ever 1825m (1.15 miles) in 1:01…yeah it’s not fast, but hey, I am a runner

* Had a green smoothie everyday, (Naked Green, Acai juice, carrots, spinach, kale (or chard), apple (or pear), avocado and two big spoonfuls of spirullina…this replaced lunch and snacks during the day Mon-Fri and was supplemented by grain, nuts and dried fruit, it was…interesting! I lost zero pounds!

* I finished this book and I am so confused I need to read it again, I also received this book which I ordered four months ago!

*Managed to stay on average in Zone 2, although I did max out at 175 during a quarter mile TT

* Nearly bought a new bike; torn between this and this or to keep saving for this…thoughts anyone?

* Spent the weekend in the gym, so no photos of verdant vistas, see above taken by my wife of me wear testing the Salomon XT vest, I had the treadmill at 3%, for nearly an hour, and dropped in a couple of walk breaks at 14% at 27 and 40 minutes


* Went to a spin class! First time in forever, the gym has a Kid’s Club and our kids love it so it’s a win-win all round

* Remembered how much I hated SPD pedals, compared to my Speedplays

image Speedplays on my road shoes vs. SPDs on my MTB shoes…no float!

* Finished off the RW; How Fit Are You? Here are the results

  1. Core strength – hold good form while doing a plank; 1:49 – Good
  2. Upper Body Strength – as many standard push-ups as possible; 22 Great (by 1!)
  3. Lower Body Strength – squat down until your glutes graze the seat of a chair. Return to standing; got bored at 57! – Great
  4. Flexibility – how straight can you get one leg while lying on your back; Good, just I think…super tight hammies!
  5. Balance – how long can you hold tree pose, do each side and average; got bored at 2 minutes – Great
  6. Speed – 400m flat out; result 1:28, disappointing – Fair – lots of controversy on the message boards on this one!
  7. Joint Mobility – this is way to complicated to explain so here’s my lovely assistant demonstrating it…me I am only Fair


So my results in total (the other two tests results are here) Good, Fair, Good, Great, Great, Good, Great, Fair, Fair…hmm so basically I am kinda great at pushups, standing up and almost sitting down and standing on one leg…whoop de f#$%^+*g d0!

Ok enough of this nonsense and let’s talk about a real winner and some real results, yesterday I tallied all the entries into the Catalina Island Eco Marathon and worked it all out, I assigned each entry a number and then used the random number generator

image Very hi tech, no?! image

And so the winner is Lisa! Drop me a line Lisa to and I will send you the entry code, congrats and I will see you in November! The runners up was Penny and third place was West picked in case Lisa has to drop out. Again a big thank you Amanda and Spectrum Sports!

Ok that’s about it for now then, later!


  1. I think the BMC bike is the prettiest. Really helpful, right?

  2. wait, I missed something. Why are you wearing the vest on the treadmill?


  3. I want those books! Send them to me when you are done :-)

  4. I took that RW fitness test and hated it. The only thing I'm taking from it is the lunges and the sprinter crunch move. The rest is crap!



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