
Monday, July 19, 2010

Double Figures...finally!

I finally made it into double figures for hours training last week…it feels like it’s it been a long time and in looking back through my training log I found out it’s the first time this year and given that I was broken for the last three months of last year it’s been really long time. My last big week for total mileage last year before 100 in the Hood was at the end of July where I trained for 23 hours, I actually hit a couple of 75 mile running weeks but with less cycling…shit those were the days! Still the only way is up right!

Here’s the comparison/breakdown:




image A bit slower on the bike this year and a lot faster on the run but with less on the trails so it’s no real comparison, check out the Average Heart Rate though…that looks promising! And the increase in variance; weights and elliptical is all going to help long term…too much just running makes Stuart a broken boy!