
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Channel Runner

imageNope nothing to do with the English Channel and all to do with the internet web thingy! My iPod is full of things; music, books and podcasts.

I’ve been listening to podcasts for the last three of four years, hell I even have on of my own, although it’s on a but of hiatus right now. There’s never enough time to listen to all them and sometimes I don’t want to have to choose.

Enter Channel Runner. I heard about this on the Runners Round Table, it’s called Channel Runner and to put it in it’s simplest terms its a live stream of running/triathlon/endurance podcasts as they are published 24/7. Think of it as a bit like Pandora for athletes. You can get it on your pc, your iPhone, your Android phone, your Blackberry or your pc. Just tune in hit play and your good to go. You can follow them on Twitter too! @channelrunner

Give it a go! Click here to launch it in iTunes or here to launch it in Windows Media Player.

Tell ‘em I sent you!