
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Re-zoning Part Deux!

So yesterday I headed to the gym to redo my Heart Rate Zones. Same drill as before, warm up and them a 20 minutes timetrial at best effort. My HR spiked a little and then settled after half a mile and the first mile clicked by in 8:07. I started the next phase; I went out a little too fast and the backed off a little too much and finally got in the groove.

image And so compared to 8 weeks ago here is some of the data

  Mile 1 Wk1 Mile 1 Wk8 Mile 2 Wk1 Mile 2 Wk8 Mile 3 Wk1 Mile 3 Wk8
Time 6:50:86 6:48:37 6:50:30 6:52:01 6:19:68 6.27:00
Avg Pace 6:51 6:48 6:50 6:52 6:59 6:34
Ave Speed 8.8mph 8.8mph 8.8mph 8.7mph 8.6mph 9.1mph
Max Speed 9.1mph 9.3mph 9.1mph 9.7mph 8.8mph 9.7mph
Ave HR 159 163 165 168 170 175
Max HR 164 172 169 173 173 181
Avg Cadence 89 88 88 87 87 89


I have bolded Week 8 just to make it easier to read. For Mile 3 Wk 1 I covered 0.91 of a mile and for Week 8 I covered 0.98. So here’s the takeaways, feel free to correct me.

* Overall I am faster, I covered more distance in the same time, only 0.07 more, but more nevertheless

* I have a higher top end of speed maxing out at 9.7 compared to 9.3

* I have a higher HR capacity or LT threshold topping out at 181 compared to 175

So what next, well according to Friel I can rezone to the following:

  Old New
Zone 1 0 – 138 0 –143
Zone 2 139 – 148 144 – 154
Zone 3 149 – 156 155 – 161
Zone 4 157 –163 162 – 168
Zone 5 164+ 169+

So for the next month these will be my new Zones and I’ll be spending my time in Zone 2, well as much of it as I can…then the fun really starts; hillwork!