
Friday, August 13, 2010


Twinge + Injured = Twingered!

My knee…actually my left Quadriceps tendon is sore. It’s been kinda sore all week, I had a pretty fast 6 miler; 46:42 on Tuesday, it was only +30 seconds off my 10k PR pace. I laid off the weights Tuesday lunchtime and had and easier run on Wednesday; 6.2 miles; 51:52  and Thursday was on the bike for an hour. Today I woke up late and had to double up at the gym at lunchtime; treadmill 6 miles; 48:01 minutes and then core and weights…slightly extended lunchtime, but hey I worked for the man for 13 hours yesterday. 

I have had it taped with KTTape since Tuesday and have iced it when I can, no NSAIDS; I would sooner know about the pain than mask it.  I am early enough in my plan that a day or two off won’t be a drama…and that’s what I am going to keep telling myself!

Tomorrow I have a 16 miler, then we; the fam are off to my company’s annual picnic so no relaxing there. Sunday we head to San Diego on vacation so expect blogging to be a bit spotty and from my iPhone.