
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

BLDing not Blogging…

Well I am a week into BLD and so far so good! Willy Wonka has not lured me with his fare and the M&M machine has been avoided, the scales are happy to report a 3lb loss, not bad for just not eating candy! Photographing everything is certainly keeping me accountable although it’s bit of a pain with multiple Blogger accounts and the like. One thing that has struck me is that there is little variation, I pretty much have the same thing for breakfast and lunch during the week every day with some interesting things thrown in at the weekend!

I added a photo feed of my meals to the side bar but if you are reading this in a reader you won’t see it.  Stephanie from A Trail Runner and Barb from KelownaGurl Tris have joined in as well as Penny from Planet Ynnep , the more the merrier I say, if you want to partake let me know. If you want to look at thing in more detail the food log blog is here.  In the meantime here a few of the more interesting things I have had!

Stop salivating and go and sign up!