
Friday, May 13, 2011

Bike Week

My wife was out-of-town this week, it’s a regular thing she goes to New York, once a week most months and it’s no real biggie, we adjust, adapt and absorb. Part of the adaption is bringing my training in house and that was fine as this week was a kinda down week for me, I have been cranking in the running miles for the last 3 weeks and with work as busy as ever working through lunch is a necessary evil especially if I want to get out on time. So I got the bike trainer and took full advantage of plonking it down front and center in the lounge in front of the flat screen TV where I can whir away when the kids are asleep, it’s not great as it seems I end up having dinner around 10pm but I’ll take that in lieu of missing the training.

So four days and 84 miles later bike week ends, I got caught up on a couple of Sufferfest rides, watched a couple of “while the wife’s away” movies; Easy A…bad, Kick Ass…good and Grown Ups…and ugly! C’mon Netflix let’s get some A list streaming please!


Fight Club; time trials and climbs

Oh and I got a new trainer! It’s an early Father’s Day gift!image

Trail running tomorrow with Becca, who BTW I seem to have talked her into running a 50k in the Fall (it took all of 90 seconds) and a little something something on Sunday and I might just make 100 miles! Down week…yeah right!


  1. And more road miles to come soon... Nice trainer work this week. It can be so boring if you don't find a good way to make the miles/hours pass!

  2. Sounds pretty cool to me. Except for the 10 pm dinner thing. Weekdays, I'm in bed a good hour earlier than that. Glad you caught up though. That's always good news.

  3. I've heard those trainers are nice! I like having a good trainer and access to a treadmill for when the weather is bad. GOOD STUFF!

  4. Cashing in on early gifts... YOU ARE SUPER SMART! By the time fathers day arrives maybe they will forget and get you another gift. :)

    Sufferfest ROCKS!!!!!


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