
Sunday, December 11, 2011

This week and next…

Not a bad week, not great but not bad! As expected it was all about the bike and pool. I managed to get my 5000 yards in the pool done and even threw in an extra 50 yards for shits and giggles it took three trips to the pool and that seems manageable. At the suggestion of several people I have taken the plunge (no pun intended) and booked up some swimming lessons. I am still struggling with the heavy legs and even though my endurance is improving I need to work on my form, the idea being that I can build up through the rest of the year.

For the bike, all of the week was spent on the trainer humming along to Sufferfest rides, I clicked three off and also threw in an recovery ride before getting outside at the weekend. Family commitments meant I had to have a super early start on Saturday and it was a trade off between being safe in the dark and not freezing my ass off. Things got better when the sun came up and I clocked in 50 miles by 9:30am and that was enough to get me north of 100 for the week but I ended up a shy of my goal of 125…it will all come out in the wash by the end of the month. My miles are being accumulated on my road bike right now, I need to trade in the saddle on my Tri Bike as it is just not working out so I have two ISM Adamo’s coming to me next week for try-before-you-buy, these biggish mile weeks are the perfect time. I have a few more bits to figure out before I can really start cranking the miles in.

Finally I did get my running shoes on for a quick jaunt and that was it for the week.

  • 109 miles on the bike (51 road/58 trainer)
  • 5050 yards in the pool
  • 4.3 mile run…told you it was a quick jaunt

Next week is going to be a challenge, my wife is out of town and then returns with my in laws for the Holidays and I am out of town for two days too, it’s that time of year I guess!

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