
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

IMAZ training Week 3 & 4

I am a couple of weeks behind in posting my training updates. That’s not to say I have not been training and logging them; it’s just not having had any time to post to the blog. Part the of the reason was being on vacation last week, which of course means spending the week prior try to get as many plates spinning as possible in the hope that some of them haven’t fallen on the floor by the time you come back and them of course when you come back picking up the pieces!

So here is Week 3 and Week 4s numbers, as you can see #3 was a steady progression and #4 a step back week to coincide with my vacation (more on that to follow).

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A few notable achievements:

  • 100th mile swam this year
  • 3000th training mile this year

Other than that I picked up a new pair of goggles and a new swim cap and really it is business as usual. Week 5 is a build week with 3 of the 6 training days being doubles…onwards

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