
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

September; consistency is key!

September is done, I’ll cut to the chase this was my biggest month this year, in fact it’s may be my biggest month ever! The totals look like this;

  • Swim 18.63 miles 32,800 yards in 15:18
  • Bike 515.78 in 29:37
  • Run 106.51 in 15:10

Add in the core work I did and it totals to 641 miles in 63:26. That beats the next biggest month by over 95 miles or 11 hours. Two big bike sets added to this, the first was the trip to Tempe at the beginning of the month were I racked up 120 miles over 2 days and the second was the last week which was bike focused.

Overall I am really pleased with this, I am injury free, not even a niggle (touch wood), at times I feel tired and achy but usually a decent meal and a good night’s sleep is all I need.

Talking of sleep and food, now’s a good time to touch on those a bit more. I downloaded a sleep app for my iPhone called Sleep Cycle, I have no real idea if it works but being the over achiever I am I am now looking for a good “number” in the morning and to some extent that is prompting me to get to bed at a reasonable time.

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Bad night Good night

On the food front, I am now in Week 6 on my one month vegan experiment! I have lost 7-10lbs depending on the time of day I weigh myself and my energy levels are high. My only concessions have been milk in my tea and half-half in my coffee and that’s it, I’ll have more to say on this in the future but right now I really can’t see myself reverting back to meat anytime soon…there may be a concession to vegetarianism but even that is not on the radar right now

So when I started 2012 one of my goals was to be consistent in my training, I have almost met that with the exception of May-July when I was flirting with injury, avoiding over training and had two races.

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There’s three months left in the year and it’s all still to play for!

1 comment:

  1. No doubt consistency is key! With consistency in training, sleep, and diet I find consistency in mood and life. Keep on rocking it with the training!


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