
Monday, December 31, 2012

IMSG training Week 1

Well here we go again! It was around six weeks ago that I crossed the finish line at IMAZ and having had some serious downtime it’s now time to start ramping things up. In fairness this should have actually have been Week 2 but I got busy and decided to push things back a week, it’s not too big a deal as the first 3 (was 4) weeks were simply prep, get a sweat on, figure out my plan and the like, they were not dedicated training.

So the goals of the first three weeks were to:

  1. Figure out the plan
  2. Start the strength and flexibility training,
  3. Swim, Bike and Run for 1/2/2 hours respectively

Pretty simple really so let’s talk about them;

I am still researching plans, I seriously would like to get a coach but other financial goals (buying a P5 (or like) and a house…not in that order) preclude that right now so I find myself being an experiment of one. Fortunately while I am new to Triathlon, this will be only my second year, I am not new to endurance sports. I ran my first marathon and ultra-marathon in 2007 and since then I have added a few notches on my belt. Right now I am looking at the Joe Friel book Your Best Triathlon, the other contender for a plan is one by Matt Fitzgerald, both of these guys are steeped in history of Triathlon and training so it’s not like I am leaving myself out in the open, but both present different approaches; I will, no doubt have more to say on that when I have decided.

For the strength and Flexibility training I have worked out a plan that has 3 weight sessions broken down into different body parts each day and 2 yoga session a week

  • Monday; Biceps and Back
  • Tuesday; Core and Yoga
  • Wednesday; Shoulders and Legs
  • Thursday; Core and Yoga
  • Friday; Chest and Triceps

This probably looks overwhelming but the weight sessions last around 25 minutes, the core 18 minutes (P90X Ab Ripper) and the Yoga around 20, although the yoga will increase in time.

The other big event this week was the Tour of Sufferlandria, it’s still going on so I will give you a more detailed write up when it’s finished, but it pretty much took up Saturday and Sunday and obviously boosted my bike mileage into the stratosphere! This gives you idea of the end result, and this was only halfway through the first day…


So back to this week, which actually started on Christmas Eve! It shook out like this;


I missed one weights session on Friday but other than that I hit all my goals, less 3 minutes on the Run, as with IMAZ I will post a graph but for one week only it looks a bit silly!

Onto Week 2…and 2013!


  1. 132 miles in one week just starting back is awesome!

  2. Great start to your training! I need to look into that Ab Ripper workout. My core is still so weak and I have an awful time motivating to really work on it. Happy New Year and congrats on a great 2012~

  3. St George is a 70.3 now, right?

    I'm honestly not familiar with Friel or Fitzgerald enough to even know how different the philosophies are. However, my coach comes from track cycling and he tends to go heavy on speedwork for this distance (I'm prepping for Oceanside). Perhaps a little ambitious for a 43 year old genetically programmed for the arts, but it's been a fun as hell ride so far and I dare say I am pushing into places I've not been before.


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