
Monday, August 18, 2014

SCM Week 2

Check! While not to diminish Marathon training, it is by comparison to triathlon training, well a bit of a doddle! Becca will hate me for this, I get reminded many times a week how jealous she is of my training as she battles to keep balanced and coming back from her bike crash in preparation for Ironman Arizona. Gone (for me) is the struggle of pool times, car drivers when cycling and the general faff (faph?) of kit. So with that said my week shook out like this:

  • Monday. 6 miles Recovery. Nice and easy on the Treadmill. The joy of the treadmill is consistency, and these splits just reinforced that; 8:12, 8:12, 8:11,8:08, 8:05 and 8:09
  • Tuesday. Should have been off, but went out with Becca for a nice 6 miler.
  • Wednesday. Tuesday’s off day
  • Thursday. Back on my local trail 6 mile run. With a rest day the day before I had a spring in my step and was able to run the entire circuit, including the 40% incline!
  • Friday. 5 miles nice, steady in the afternoon heat. Was aiming for a 8:30 average, came in at 8:31
  • Saturday. Off.

Sunday. Hot and hilly 14.5 miles on the Backbone Trail. I need to get my ass in gear earlier on the weekend to avoid running in the midday sun. I know it was going to be hot and paced myself accordingly. I still ran out of water with a couple of miles to go. A fair bit of walking for sure! Very happy to have an “at-home” massage booked for later in the day!

So the weekly numbers tally up as so; 5 run, 6:42:23 and 38.11 miles. 4734’ of gain 

  • Road: 11.52 (30%)
  • T’mill: 6.1 (16%)
  • Trail: 20.51 (54%)

Happy to keep the trail running to >50% although it’s been pointed out that I should do some long runs on the road.

Here are the best of the photo stops from the weekend;

IMG_9784IMG_9821IMG_9844 IMG_9842    IMG_9823 IMG_9837IMG_9834 IMG_9849   IMG_9848 IMG_9824

Onwards to Week 3. Bulldog 25km on Saturday and cold coming on…perfect timing!

1 comment:

  1. I will never hate you. (but I may loathe your training a little, #justsaying)


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