
Monday, September 1, 2014

August Summary

Summer is drawing to a close, at least from a calendar point of view, there is no break in the weather around here although all things being equal we have had a pretty mild summer! Not surprisingly August became a run focused month with my training for Santa Clarita Marathon, starting on August 4. So the tally for the month went like this;

  • 24 workouts in 28:02:27 for 180.61 miles
  • Run 23 workouts 27:02:28, 161.99 miles…yes, there is no rounding up!
  • Bike 1 workout 59:59, 18.62 miles

Obviously a significant bump in run miles, my previous biggest month this year was 91 miles so I am getting close to doubling it…yeah about that 10% rule!

In terms of the terrain for the month it broke down as follows;

  • Road; 75.22 (46%)
  • Treadmill; 18.82 (12%)
  • Trail; 67.81 (42%)


Trail mileage in terms or a percentage was a less than I hoped for, I was really trying to stay above 50% . That being said I did have a great race at the Bulldog 25k. Week 1 was actually pre training plan which skews the numbers a bit but trail miles are trail miles!

September is really more of the same, three weeks of build and a step back week and the totals should be something similar to August.

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