
Monday, September 15, 2014

SCM Week 6

Another build week. Just racking up the miles. This week the temperature went up a notch, the week got warmer and warmer as we got closer to the weekend! Additionally it was just one of those weeks from work when all you can do is fit stuff in around it, as a result 4 out of 5 runs were on the treadmill!

  • Monday 5 miles. Recovery, nice and easy
  • Tuesday off!
  • Wednesday 7.66 miles on the ‘mill. Started off easy and then picked it up and eased off at the end
  • Thursday 5.6 miles. Hill-work on the treadmill. I used one of the built in workouts and managed 1700’ of gain! The weather was freaky and I was hoping that the rain would last…it didn’t!

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  • Friday Pushed today’s run over to Saturday
  • Saturday 7 miles easy
  • Sunday 18 miles. Was good through M14 then got hit with the heat and probably a bit underfueled. I was very happy to have finished my run by around 10:30am…it got crazy in the afternoon!

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Onward to Week 7

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