
Sunday, September 28, 2014

SCM Week 8 (Step Back)

This week was a step back. It’s pretty standard practice to build for 2 – 3 weeks and then step back to rest and capitalize on the gains. It’s come on the back on a solid three weeks of 40+ miles each and also coinciding with a pretty busy and stressful week at work so it was well timed;

So this is how it shook out;

  • Monday. 5 miles Recovery. I decided to have some fun in my neighborhood

image Round and round and round…

  • Tuesday. Off, check
  • Wednesday. Oops missed.
  • Thursday. 6 miles. Ran my local 6 mile out and back on a teeny tiny single track trail. It was much harder than it needed to be, reflective of bad week at work and not such a clever diet


IMG_0384 Playing with Google Photo Sphere, click on image for link…it’s pretty cool!

  • Friday. 4 miles. Fudged up the first mile with my Garmin and then just muddled through the last 3 miles…really blargh!
  • Saturday. 6 miles. Another run on the treadmill, actually felt good for this one and felt that my mojo was coming back
  • Sunday. 14 miles. After a tough trail run during the week I knocked these out on a local trail. I followed my nose and made up a nice loop with a fair bit (2720’) of climbing

image IMG_0463 And that was the week. Back on chain gang next week. Pt Mugu race in 2 weeks and Santa Clarita Marathon in 5 weeks!

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