
Sunday, February 1, 2015

SOB50k Wk 13

This week was the Tour of Sufferlandria, so my running shoes were hung up in favor of my trust Cervelo. You can read more about the event in this post.

By way of making this post a little interesting, here are the trailers or sample clips for all the rides completed during the Tour, as a reminder, this was the calendar;


Day 1; Elements of Style & The Long Scream. 20 miles 1:18

Elements of Style from The Sufferfest & Cycling Tips on Vimeo.

The Long Scream from The Sufferfest on Vimeo.

Day 2; Blender. 28 miles 1:43

Blender from The Sufferfest on Vimeo.

Day 3; Fight Club. 17 miles 1:00

Fight Club from The Sufferfest on Vimeo.

Day 4; Nine Hammers. 16.7 miles 1:03


Nine Hammers: Official Trailer from The Sufferfest on Vimeo.

Day 5; Angels. 18.4 miles 1:08

Angels 2015 from The Sufferfest on Vimeo.

Day 6; Local Hero 23.5 miles 1:25

Local Hero from The Sufferfest on Vimeo.

Day 7; The Rookie 16.4 miles 1:00

The Rookie: Sample Footage from The Sufferfest on Vimeo.

Day 8; Revolver, Violator & Half is Easy. The Rookie 41.0 miles 2:36

Revolver: Sample Clip from The Sufferfest on Vimeo.

Violator: Sample Clip from The Sufferfest on Vimeo.

Half is Easy: Sample Clip from The Sufferfest on Vimeo.

Day 9; ISLAGIATT 32.3 miles 1:58

ISLAGIATT: Sample Clip from The Sufferfest on Vimeo.

Wann have a go next year? 51 weeks to go and counting!

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