
Monday, May 4, 2015

Golden Gran Fondo (GGF) Week 1

With Leona Divide in the rear view mirror I am on the downswing for serious running events this year. I have two more races on my docket, actually paid for registered races. I am not making the same mistake as I did with Sean O’Brien 50k. These include the Wings for Life World Run on May 5 and the Born to Run 0k on May 16th. So this was the first week of training for the Golden Gran Fondo next month and I was back on the bike and the trainer with a vengeance.

Due to time restrictions I opted to go with a TrainerRoad Build Plan 2.0. I used the 1.0 plan last year prepping for the L’etape and this time decided to go with their 2.0 plan which has longer midweek rides. So this is how the week shook out;

Monday. Kettle The plan actually starts on the Tuesday but I had the chance to ride out on Tuesday so I switched around. For the sake of description I will copy the instructions from the ride; 4x15-minute intervals that step up from 15s @ 160% FTP to 30s @ 153% FTP to 45s @ 147% FTP and finally to 60s @ 140% FTP before stepping back down in duration. Recoveries following each interval are 3 times as long as the interval itself and recoveries between sets of intervals are almost 4 minutes long.


Tuesday. I rode a local loop and added an inner loop to get 20 solid miles. Super windy day. It’s been a while since I have had time on my bike and it shows. I am a bit twitchy and the wind didn’t help. Time outside is going to be crucial!

Wednesday. I got a core workout in and managed some time on the TRX at the gym at work, I really need to do more of this. In the evening I rode for an hour. Black, Black is an hour of aerobic Endurance ranging from 50-80% FTP.


Thursday. Miter. 3 sets of 2x10-minute Criss-Cross intervals at 97-99% FTP during the 2-minute valleys and 108-112% FTP during the 30-second surges as each interval criss-crosses your FTP never straying far from it. 1 minute of recovery separates the intervals and 5 minutes of recovery separate the 3 sets.


Friday. Technically off but I jumped on my Mountain Bike and tagged along with Becca while she ran for an hour, nice easy miles on 2.2” tires!

Saturday. This was actually a “Free Ride”, something of my choice. As I knew I was running the World Run on Sunday I moved Sunday’s ride, Trojan to this day. Trojan is 6x10-minute intervals largely at 95-99% FTP but they're littered with 5-second neuromuscular bursts between 150-180% FTP. All recoveries between intervals are 3 minutes long.


Sunday was the World Run and after only 3.5 hours of sleep it basically killed the rest of the day and Becca and I took a well-deserved day off!

So for the week:

8 workouts, 142.91 miles in 10:48 including 30 minutes of strength work. I am looking for somewhere north of a 600 mile month so this is a good start.

In case anyone is interested all screenshots are from SportTracks.

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