
Monday, September 28, 2015

Everesting Week 12

Backfilling on the training log so I can go back and review it. Week 12 included the Mammoth trip, I will touch on that below but cover the ride from Mammoth to Yosemite in a separate post. This is how the week shook out.

Monday. Off. I am fluxing between having a Recovery ride on the Monday or actually taking the day off. I feel that at least get a spin in makes the Tuesday easier but if I am zonked on Monday I will take it off. I took this Monday off.

Tuesday. TrainerRoad Starr. Struggled with this. The Vectors are ~20-25W under the Stages and I synced TR to the pedals today. Started at 100% and then dialed it back to 90% on TR and still fell off the back. Not sure if the new trainer tire and cassette (12-25 vs 12-28 although pretty sure that's not it) or just tired after a pretty full on two week period. Too many variables to narrow it down. Just make some notes and move on. Starr is 4x6-minute Over-Under intervals alternating between 2 minutes at 95% FTP & 1 minute at 105% FTP with 5-minute recoveries between intervals. The 4 over-unders are sandwiched by longer aerobic Endurance intervals spent at 60% FTP. Rode the second two sets as standing climbs.


Wednesday. TrainerRoad. Pettit. Pettit is an hour of aerobic Endurance work spent between 60-75% FTP. Added in 15 Min Warm up self created on TR and added a couple of minutes on cool down to round up mileage. Dialed down to 95% to allow for 10%overage on Vectors vs Stages. HR all Z2 but legs feel tired.


Thursday. TrainerRoad Twin-1. Connected Zwift to Strava where you can ride this year's World's course in Richmond VA. Much more interesting than Watopia! The 20% overage on the Vectors means I cannot reach the target watts of 280 I am getting to 240ish. 4 mile warm up and 1 mile cool down. South Twin -1 is a VO2 Max taper/recovery workout and consists of 2 sets of 2x2-minute VO2 Max intervals at 120% FTP. Extended rest between intervals is 4 minutes long and rest between sets of intervals is 8 minutes long.


Friday. Off.

Saturday. TrainerRoad Mt Baldy 15 min warm up followed by 4x10 mins at 95-99FTP.


Sunday. Mammoth to Yosemite. 102 miles. Finally shrugged the 100 mile monkey off my back! This was a big ask and it paid off. Tioga Pass was a bitch, 12 miles of climbing, brutal headwinds at some points but managed to hang on in and get there! The ride in Yosemite was rolling and the road has mostly been resurfaced so it rides really nicely. Still more climbing but nothing too major. Just sit in and pedal! Final descent into Yosemite Valley was brutal, frost cracks in the road every 10 yards, Hands numb feet numb, teeth falling out my head! Found a safe place to stop and called it with just over 102 miles on the clock! Fueling was great given the weather. Bike was great, new tires are 1000% better than what got stripped off. Vectors crapped out at 75 batteries needed I think, but Stages to the rescue! Epic day made all the better by having Becca their supporting!



So I finally cracked the 100 mile mark without having a mechanical. Hitting 200+ miles in five rides was a bit grueling but I ended up with 204 miles in 12:46 for the week. At this point I am around 770 miles for the month!

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