
Monday, October 12, 2015

Everesting Week 14

Monday, I did a Lactate Threshold test with the BSX Insight, you can read my review here. TrainerRoad 15 min warm up followed by test. 3 minute ramps, tapped out at 240 watts. A couple of drops from Vectors probably has the next effect of dropping my LT to 229 vs the 233 of my FTP.


Tuesday, TrainerRoad Venacher. I added extra 5 mile warm up as I knew this was going to be a hard ride. Couple of extra miles on the cool down for an extra 27 minutes. Hung on for the first interval then fell off the back and couldn't bridge, second interval was very ugly, gathered it together for the third and worked on consistency! Vennacher is 3x12-minute Over-Under intervals alternating between 2 minutes at 95% FTP & 2 minutes at 105% FTP with 8-minute recoveries between intervals. The 3 over-unders are sandwiched by slightly longer aerobic Endurance intervals spent at 60% FTP.


Wednesday,TrainerRoad Townsend. Extra 15 mins warm up. Legs felt really tired and I had to dial this down to 90% based on Vectors which add ~10-15% extra watts vs Stages. Managed to complete and looking at when I rode this 3 weeks ago I added an extra 4.8 miles (and 8 minutes) over t he same ride. Townsend consists simply of 1.5 hours of Aerobic Endurance spent between 60-70% FTP. Forgot to turn off GPS so I had to download and upload a TCX file which misses most of the data.


Thursday, TrainerRoad Kaiser-1. Phew legs are pooped! Four big days and 4:30-5am alarms this week. Started this with an extra 15 mins warm up. Kaiser +1 is 2 sets of 3x3-minute VO2 Max repeats at 122% FTP with 3-minute recoveries between intervals & 6 minutes between sets. Rest day tomorrow, this is a nice set up for 230-250 mile week.


Friday, Off, yay!

Saturday, TrainerRoad Whiteside-1. Very much in my wheelhouse, nice long hard sets. Keying off my Vectors so effort was closer to 95% of FTP. Added 15 mins warm up and a couple of extra miles for the cool down. Whiteside-2 is 5x20 Sweet Spot repeats at 85% FTP each separated by 5 minutes of active recovery. Big ride on the trainer.


Sunday, Freedom! Hit the road and rolled around a local loop. Four loops in the midday sun. Crazy hot day, average temp was 97f! Ride ended up being Z3/4 due to heat but Abe HR was ok. Big week with 245 miles on the legs but they feel good. 6 bottles of Skratch and a couple of cokes.


A nice big week, 6 rides for 14:24 and 245 miles, definitely one of my biggest weeks this year.

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