
Monday, March 14, 2016

Strada Rosso Week 6

I am pushing hard for the 1000 mile month. I’m discovering that it’s a pretty big step up from a weekly mileage total or the very early 200s to get into the mid 200’s. Mathematically it is just over 32 miles a day, but that’s every day and when most days are on the trainer it’s hard and I have a pretty high tolerance for the trainer!

So here we go;

Monday TrainerRoad Recovery. Nice recovery ride, 40 minutes at roughly 50% FTP.


Tuesday TrainerRoad Mount Foraker. BUPF! Big Ugly Pain Face!!! 5x5-minute intervals at 105-109% FTP with 3.5-minute recoveries between intervals. Not going to sugarcoat things: these suck! Put it all really had nothing left during these intervals! What doesn't kill you makes you stronger right!


Wednesday TrainerRoad Mont Gosford


Thursday TrainerRoad Carpathian Peak. This took two attempts to complete. at 6:00am, the usual warm up, stopped to load new ride in TR. Couldn't get left Vector to connect, fussed, ran out of time, head fell out the game, will do later.


Followed by the afternoon attempt which went better; Carpathian Peak is 3x12-minute over-under intervals with 1-minute valleys at 95% FTP and 2-minute peaks that ascend to 105% FTP.


Friday TrainerRoad Recovery. Easy-ish spin to keep the legs moving


Saturday TrainerRoad Golgotha. Usual 15 minutes warm up and then into the main set. Golgotha 3x30 minute intervals at 82-90% FTP with 5-minute recoveries between intervals. Was doing well up to the last half of the last set and then struggled to find the right cadence. Hung onto the end. Added a couple of separate miles to cool down and keep the average speed of this one up.


…and the cool down;


Then a spin on the fixie with the kids…


Sunday TrainerRoad Mclure. Pt1 Usual 15 minutes then into main set. Had to stop at after 2 hours to fix lunch for kids and then Garmin wouldn't pick up sensors. Turn off/on fixed that and I carried on. Maclure consists of nearly 3 hours of aerobic Endurance riding spent between 60-70% FTP.


Pt 2 Restarted Garmin forgot to turn off GPS. Finished up last hour and a bit of 3 hours of aerobic Endurance riding spent between 60-70% FTP.


So that was the week, 13:30 in time and 232 in miles. That adds up to 450.2 miles in 13 days, so I am ahead of the game so far!

Next week is a rest and taper week for the Strada Rosso ride on Saturday.

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