
Monday, March 21, 2016

Strada Rosso Week 7

This was scheduled to be a rest week and as it was the week before Strada Rosso it would be a taper week too. I was aware that I didn’t want to take my foot off the gas completely and was keen to keep the miles accumulating. As it has it’s way of doing life got in the way, kinda. Here’s the details;

Monday TrainerRoad Obelisk. Obelisk is 4x3-minute intervals of leg-speed drills at a very low 60% FTP with 3 minutes of rest between intervals.


Tuesday TrainerRoad Mount Field. 15 minutes warm up followed by 3x12-minute intervals at 85% FTP with 3-minute recoveries between intervals. Int1; 6 minutes standing climbing 6 minutes seated climbing. Int2; 12 minutes with target cadence of 90+ (averaged 88rpm) Int3 6 minutes standing climb, 3 minutes seated climb, 3 minutes fast cadence 90+. 10 mins cool down


I also got a quick Gear Check ride on the Lynskey for the weekend. It was nothing more than a quick spin with new Tangle Bag and Gas Tank. Mechanical check for this weekend's ride too. BB a bit creaky otherwise all ok! Will take bike to LBS to check the BB.

Wednesday TrainerRoad Pettit. 15 mins warm up and then main set. Pettit is an hour of aerobic Endurance work spent between 60-75% FTP. Legs took some warming up. Struggled to find prefect gear/cadence


Thursday. Had planned to ride and ran out of day. Dropped off the bike at my LBS.

Friday. Actually a planned rest day the day before Strada Rosso. Picked up the bike, lots of loose bolts!

Saturday. Strada Rosso, separate report to follow.

Sunday. High Rouleurs Society Kick off. Adding miles that I missed yesterday, rode the first 2 hours of Oceanside70.3 course as mapped by TrainerRoad. I felt good through first hour but then fell off the back and couldn't maintain the targets. Pushed on to close out the second hour and called it.



…and added a quick cool down…


So not a great week of training or racing…time to move on!

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