
Monday, April 4, 2016

High Rouleurs Society Week 2

Monday. Recovery ride while Becca ran, took the new Lynskey for a ride


Followed up with TrainerRoad Taku, was too bullish so dialed it back to 85%


Tuesday. TrainerRoad Stevens. I knew this was going to be hard going into it as legs felt tired and it was. 15 minutes warm up and then into the ride. Stevens is 5 x 6 at 110%FTP. Rode the first two well but fell off in the third interval and never caught up. Hung in as well as I could. Closing in on 1000 miles for the month, will be glad to finish March.


Wednesday TrainerRoad Leavitt. 15 mins warm up and then 70 minutes of Tempo-ish work broken into 7x10-minute segments ranging from 70-80% FTP.


Thursday TrainerRoad MountHope. 15 minutes warm up and then 5x10-minute intervals at 95-99% FTP with 5-minute recoveries between intervals. Rode later in the day as was tired/fatigued in general. Here ends the month.


Friday TrainerRoad Pettit. 10 min warm up to get the legs spinning then a hour of aerobic Endurance work spent between 60-75% FTP.


Saturday Off

Sunday TrainerRoad Brass Town. Quick ride to end the week. Brasstown is 90 minutes of aerobic Endurance riding spent between 65-75% FTP.


So a bit of a step back week vs last week with just over 150 miles and 8:42, it’s a natural ease into next week which is a taper before the Mullholland Challenge.

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