
Monday, September 19, 2016

CX Training Week 1

As I have done with much of my training I opted for a TrainerRoad plan to prepare me for CX Season. I decided to jump straight in with the Specialty Plan. I based this on the fact that;

  • My base is pretty gosh darn thick at this point
  • I had limited time and I would in fact complete the plan during the race season itself

So with that said I was off. I decided to do the High Volume plan, my body can take the 10+ hour weeks and I feel like I am slacking off I am not putting in 150+ miles per week

So Week 1 shook out like this

Monday; Matthes +2 Well that was a rude awakening back to interval work, 3 4 mins @120% x 3 sets. Didn't dial it back and as a result couldn't reach the highs. I am sure my FTP has dropped since the last test...hoping I can ride myself back up to it in the coming weeks!


Tuesday; Tuesday 90 minutes endurance riding. No problems with this.


Wednesday; Off

Thursday; The Owl +4 Rest day yesterday albeit a long one with a one day round trip to Palo Alto. Felt good for this left hip a little tight. 15 MWU. Big Gear Start intervals workout with a 30-second wind-up at 140% FTP in the biggest gear you can turn then 3 minutes of Threshold work follow at 95% FTP and ramping up to 105% FTP at a more reasonable cadence. 4 minute recoveries in between.


Friday; Pettit Pettit is an hour of aerobic Endurance work spent between 60-70% FTP.


Saturday; OMG! This pyramid-style RAB's (Reduced Amplitude Billats) workout grows the number of 15s at 125% FTP/15s at 88% FTP repeats as high as 12 per set efore stepping back down to where it started at 6 repeats. Occasional 88% FTP floats last as long as 45 seconds and recovery between sets lasts only half as long as the set preceding it.


Sunday; I went to a CX Clinic held by the organization that puts on the racing season in Southern California, you can read all about that here.


So Week 1 in the bag. There is a definite pattern to the training, alternating between intervals and endurance. I am sure it will be much the same for the coming weeks!

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