
Sunday, October 30, 2016

CX Training Week 7

This was the penultimate week on the plan. November is crazy busy with three event weekends for me and four events for Becca, throw in Thanksgiving and it just a bit much!

So here is how it shook out;

Monday. Easy spin for an hour doing some PC maintenance so no TR etc


Tuesday. TrainerRoad The Chimneys. 5x4-minute Big Gear Start intervals w/ 30-second wind-up at 130% FTP followed by 3 minutes of Threshold work at 95% FTP at a 85-95rpm cadence. 4 minutes recovery between intervals. Plus 15 MWU and extended CD


Wednesday TrainerRoad Pettit. 60 mins with warm up of Endurance


Thursday. TrainerRoad Crane. Crane is 5x30-second Hard Starts at 165% FTP followed by 1 minute of Sweet Spot work at 92% FTP. Nearly 5 minutes of recovery falls between each effort.


Friday TrainerRoad Taku. 30 mins easy recovery with pissy left Vector


Saturday Death Valley Century, you can read the report here


Sunday. TrainerRoad Taku. Easy recovery followed by massage and beer!


One more day and I will have ridden everyday this month, it wasn’t a thing, but now it kinda is!

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