
Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Being social

This internet thingy is pretty prevalent isn’t it! I amazed myself by listing my running presence; I am on Facebook, Athlinks; for my results and kit reviews, although it’s a little out of date, I host my photos on photobucket and on flickr. I am trying to curb my Nike+ forum habit, I am on Gtalk and normally have a chat with at least one person about running once a day, I have my blog, I am on Runner+, I have an online training log at and my Garmin/Motion Based account! I am a member of Runners Lounge and recently Josh pointed me in the direction of Peak, so now I have an account there as well.

There are probably a couple more that I have forgotten and to be honest some sites get more attention than others.

More recently I found ligit, it allows you to add your blog roll and build out a network of who you’re following and who’s following you, it also allows you to build you own search engine which searches the social networking sites that you’ve help build; Facebook, flickr,, digg etc. It’s free and it’s actually pretty dynamic in the way it works, I guess it just appeals to the technie nerd within. You can find it in the right hand column just above the Nike widget, click on the littel bubble icon and see what happens. I’ve added everyone in my blog roll and a few others that aren’t there, if you do likewise there will be a pretty big network of bloggers following each other.

It’s no wonder there are not enough hours in the day! Anyway if you’re on any of the above look me up and ping me as a friend.

I think this is word for word the mostly heavily linked post to date, to be honest I cheat and I never follow links I use a mini browser from SnapShots that allows me to look at another website without leaving the one I am on, try it, you might like it!


  1. Wow that's a lot of stuff homie! And most of it is probably waaayy over my head LOL Sad I know. I'm a little on the dumb dumb side when it coems to comps. But I must admit I do dig the SnapShots thingy you have. Very cool!

  2. i have no idea what your actual name is so i invite you to "Friend me" on facebook :) i love the on-line stuff b/c who actually sees their real-life friends and family as often as we update our blogs??? nor do they always share our interests!

  3. Who knew you could be social without even leaving your computer chair?!

  4. Loved it. Loved the bubble thingy. I wonder if I could figure it out. :D

  5. Good god, you're more popular online than a viral video!

  6. I can barely keep up with my blogs as it is! I don't know how you do it!!


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