
Saturday, July 26, 2008

The best damn $8 you'll spend next week, period!

I managed to snag some tickets to this back in February, well now you have the opportunity to go. It’s on limited release for July 31st only. Trust me it’s well worth money, check out the website to see which theater near you is showing it.

Like the man said…“sure it’s about running, but mostly it’s about life”…


  1. We already have our tickets!!! I can hardly wait.

  2. I've been wondering about this . . . I'll have to look into getting tickets in my area!

  3. Showing in my town. Will be there to see it.

  4. You gonna go again? Cody and I are seeing it over at The Bridge if you wanna come with!

  5. I am an advocate of not seeing Dean and his self promoting machine...His stunt of pulling out of WS two years ago to set a treadmill record in times square in front of cameras speaks volumes to his self absorption..Go ahead and ask him about this unprofessional move....

  6. I wanted to see it, but there isnt one close. Hopefully they release it to DVD quicker then the Spirit of the Marathon, which as far as I know STILL hasnt gone to DVD

  7. Cool, thanks for sharing. Just gotta find a theatre near where I'll be that night.

  8. WOW. I needed that.

    I don't blame Dean for doing something he loves and turning it into a business. Doesn't that actually make sense? We should all be so lucky and smart. :D


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