
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Swap Beat Week 3 Results

Well the only constant is change and week 3 has seen plenty of that; the table has turned on its head and like a good martini is well shaken. After no long run the previous weekend resulting in a slight creep up Sunday’s race certainly had an effect! That being said it was never my intention to claim any swag…in fact I am trying to get rid of it and as Pat was a winner last week this week's winners are…drumroll, well you can read it yourself: Julianne and Robin, congrats to you both – great job!

Same as every week go to the SWAG page and choose your prize Julianne has first pick, contact the donor for shipping and you’re all set. So with Thanksgiving this week there will be Turkey Trots going on allover the country the question is will you be taking a trip to the trailhead or track or will it be a tryp-to-phan!

The Google Word Verification stalking continues and in line with the fact that this is a weight loss competition this seemed a little close the mark, 0/10 spelling but you get the idea!


  1. Congratulations to the winners this week!

  2. Congrats to the winners, hmmm, maybe this will be my week since you all are having Thanksgiving feasts... ours north of the border was in October :) Happy Thankgiving everyone!

  3. Congrats everyone!

    I know from my numbers it probably looks like I'm just picking them at random but I SWEAR that is not waht I'm doing... I'm hoping to get on track soon :(

  4. OMG! I won this week!??!?! Amazing!! Finally, all that running paid off! I've been so good. Gosh, I hope I don't gain it all back on Thursday!

  5. The word verification thing is making me giggle...every time!

  6. Oh and I'm going to claim... my own foot wheel! Like Laura, I have had a change of heart and going to claim my own prize! ;-)

  7. hello Quadrathon

    I have been reading your blog now for a some weeks now all the way from the uk . I'm am training for my first 50 miles race in jan and want to know what running back pack you are useing because it's just what i want .

    thanks for your time and by the way great blog

  8. I think Robin got a haircut which is wht she is so far up there.

    -Just an observation.

    Congrats to those who have won. You haven't been taking me up on the fast food.....

  9. Congratulations winners. No turkey trots for me, but I'm excited for some new (snowy?) trails as I head north.

  10. I WON!!! I would like to take this time to thank my husbands .. now ex-boss for the loss of appetite this week. Guess it was not all bad after all :)

    I pick Nick's prize!!


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