
Friday, November 28, 2008

DHP Thanksgiving Day 5k

Today’s race was run to mark the end of my six weeks of speedwork. Of the six weeks I missed two sessions and gaffed up one with Garmin malfunction. Each week comprised a tempo run and Intervals. The question was going to be had it worked? My legs were a little sore still from last weekend and I wondered how much that would affect the outcome.

I arrived with my wife who was running the 10k and parked the car, we wandered over to the start line, we already had our numbers and so I took the time to have solid warm up. I gently ran the first half a mile of the course and turned around, on the way back I did some butt kicks and high knees and opened up my pace and when I got back to the Start/Finish I stretched out everything. We were called together and given the usual brief, the 5k was an out and back and the 10k would be a repeat of that. The RD made a point of asking people to line up according to how they were going to race; fast 5k, fast 10k so one and to my surprise there was some shuffling about, I kissed my wife and wished her good luck and made my way to the front.

The idea really was to really race this as hard as I could and with a ready, set, go we were off! Two runners shot off and I followed they soon opened a lead and another runner was pacing off me and then overtook me I glanced down at my Garmin and saw that I was running at a 5:40 pace, well that’s not going to last I thought and eased back, I was overtaken by several more runners and I settled into my pace and thought about my cadence and keeping it high. I was about 8th or 9th place at this point. I reached the turnaround skipped past the water stand and set off on the return.

The route was on a footpath along the side of a creek and while mostly flat there were a couple of “rolls” and one section that dropped us under a road and of course this had an up the other side, more interestingly were the run off culverts that were a V shape and about four feet wide you had to judge your footing as you approached them so as to mot reduce your speed too much most of them I managed one or two I didn’t and end up juddering through. Another two runners overtook me in the last mile and I drafted them but they pulled away with half a mile to go. With the last 400 yard left I noticed that people using the 10k lane and turning round to go back out on their second lap, first one then two and then another two I sprinted through the finish and hit stop on my Garmin. I was detagged and made my way through the chute I looked at my 305 and saw; 19:43:74. Woot! A 1:04 improvement on my PR from last year, I am awaiting the official times etc but I think I came fifth overall and have to be in the top 3 for my age; this I am guessing from looking at the others who finished ahead of me.

A quick shout to the sponsors; DHP, it was a welcoming and well run race. DHP (Diaz Human Performance) provides specialized training for runners and triathletes, they are also a major Polar dealer in the area hence the free shoe bag in the photo. I have no financial interest but I did use them last year for my V02 max and RMR tests, you can read about that here.

Well the proof of the pudding is in the eating; well running - if you want to race fast train fast. I had the pudding later in the day! I am on my bike today and have my last long, well medium run; 15 miles on Sunday and then that’s it full taper mode for two weeks. The hay, as they say, is in the barn!

Quick edit: Now the results have posted I did come 5th overall and was first in my age group with a 19:42!


  1. WOW! You are smokin' fast! That speedwork definitely paid off! Congrats on a great race!!!

  2. hiii! congratulations on the PR!

  3. S-m-m-m-m-okin' Stuart - wow! Given the paces you've been running in your training though, I guess I'm not exactly surprised.

    Great job on the sub-20!

  4. Congratulations on the 5K, and getting a leg up on your 2009 goals. I'm curious, do you always do speedwork in 6 week cycles? Was this cycle times to coincide with your taper?

  5. Great job on the improved PR! And congrats on the AG placement!

  6. You are a speedy speedster!

    Glad you had an awesome race!

  7. Nice t-shirt design, I like it!

    And very nice pace, congrats!

  8. Well done! The speedwork obviously paid off!

  9. You cut 1:04 off your PR. That is so awesome! That's it I'm starting speedwork this week.

  10. Wow that is awesome! It's so nice to see results like that from dedicated speedwork. Tomorrow I am going to go over my Garmin stats from this past training cycle and the one previous (Maui). I slacked on the Maui speedwork, and need to get motivation that I can definitely BQ in vegas. I was good on speedwork this time around--maybe I can be as lucky as you!

  11. Whoot! Whoot! Look at you all speedy! VERY NICE job Mr Q!

  12. Awesome! Congratulations for a super 5K!

  13. 5th overall! Awesome! You are fast!

  14. WOW awesome job and CONGRATS!!!

  15. Congratulations on a terrific race! That is a super time.

  16. Nice PR! Congratulations. You did know that turkey 5k's are supposed to be your worst though right? Great job.

  17. CONGRATULATIONS! I can't even imagine a sub-20 5K... that's incredible!

    Was this part of the Shave Your 5K challenge?

  18. Man, that's fast! I need to run something like that, just to see how SLOW I am:)

  19. Awesome! All that speed work paid off.
    A new name for you: "Speedy Gone Quadarathon"

    (Sorry this is posted so late)


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